Monday, December 31, 2007

American History X

That is a really good movie and I saw it again this evening. In the end, the younger Vinyard finishes his essay with the following quote. The Swedish translation did not use the word for "affection" but the word for "friendship" (vänskap).:

"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.'

Friday, December 28, 2007

Mr Black

Jack Black. He must be the coolest geek ;-) Watching "School of Rock" and it just reminded me of other stuff he's done, eg. here in Tenacious D - "Tribute".

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Don't leave.

Why do people tend to go away after a while? It also tends to be the people that I get along with the best. No matter whether it is going away in the sense loosing/ending contact or moving far away. Either's no good. Not for me. :-(

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Where is Christmas?

Christmas in pretty much just a few hours away but still the Christmas feeling isn't really here, not for me. My apartment lock like a disaster and all the decorations I have up are a couple of Santas in the window and a red ribbon up somewhere. I don't know, it just hasn't been Christmas for me, no time for it, no motivation to...make sure that I feel like Christmas. Now I am trying to get ready to go to my parents house, get my stuff packed, mine and the others' that is.

I haven't stopped blogging, I just have had to little time and energy to the last few weeks but I am far, far from stopping. In the beginning of the year I will be much more active here, that is when I no longer have this temporary job. So N, don't worry, you'll have your blogging Natasja back in just a bit.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Some music

Peter Yorn (at least his version) - "Ever Fallen In Love"

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Drowning - they do it every day

"Senegal. At least 140 migrants from Africa and the Middle East are feared to have died in three incidents during the weekend during attempts to get to Europe. At least 51 people drowned outside Turkey's coast when a boat in the Aegean sea outside the Turkish city Seferihisar the Saturday, CNN Türk stated... Also 40 Africans were reported dead outside Senegal's coast in West Africa. Another 50 people are missing since a migration boat sunk outside the West Sahara's coast..."


Do you know what happens to many of those that DO survive these extremely dangerous and desperate flights from different hard situations in their own country and life? Well, many of them are sent right back or are put in overcrowded camps where they spend long periods of time. Isn't the European Union amazing? Hurray! Go Fort Europa!

The pic comes from:
Here you can also read more.

"Adaptation" & love

Nicolas Cage in the quite good movie "Adaptation":

"You are what you love, not what loves you"

Monday, December 10, 2007


I am tired of being tired. I get too little sleep.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


A week, it's been about a week since I wrote here. I have just been quite busy, mainly because I have been working (just as a substitute for a month). Don't worry, there are still lots of thoughts and feelings running around my head and heart.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sweden on top

"Sweden best at immigration

EU. Sweden does most to help immigrants to settle down, Latvia least. It is shown by EU-funded research. 140 factors, among them rights in the working life, possibilities to permanent settlement, possibilities for families to reunite with them and laws that fight racism and prejudices."


Considering how many people DON'T get these rights satisfied and are treated badly by so many, both by public authorities and by people in general...I don't even want to think how it must be in all the other European countries if Sweden is the best!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

"Boa Sorte / Good Luck"

Vanessa da Mata & Ben Harper

Never heard of her (nor him) before but when I heard this song I just liked it a lot from the very beginning...then I couldn't stop listening to it.

É só isso
Não tem mais jeito
Acabou, boa sorte

Não tenho o que dizer
São só palavras
E o que eu sinto
Não mudará

Tudo o que quer me dar
É demais
É pesado
Não há paz

Tudo o que quer de mim

That’s it
There is no way
It over, Good luck

I have nothing left to say
It’s only words
And what I feel
Won’t change

Tudo o que quer me dar / Everything you want to give me
É demais / It´s too much
É pesado/ It’s heavy
Não há paz / There is no peace

Tudo o que quer de mim / All you want from me
Irreais / Isn´t real
Expectativas / Expectations

Mesmo, se segure
Quero que se cure
Dessa pessoa
Que o aconselha

Há um desencontro
Veja por esse ponto
Há tantas pessoas especiais

Now even if you hold yourself
I want you to get cured
From this person
Who poisoned you

There is a disconnection
See through this point of view
There are so many special people in the world
So many special people in the world
In the world
All you want
All you want

Now were Falling into the night
Um bom encontro é de dois

The magic world of books

Have you ever felt abandoned by a book? I feel kind of abandoned every time I finish reading a book. It leaves this void behind because I've been in it's world, followed the story, the thoughts of the author and felt the story. And then nothing. It kicks me out and leave a sense of wanting more. All I can do is to get up from my bed or chair and do something else, in this case blogging about the feeling. Still missing the world I just visited.

I know people who never read and/or don't like/want to. In a way it makes me sad because I feel that the miss out on such adventures both when it comes to the stories told and the thoughts the books creates in your mind. Sometimes you might have thoughts but they are rather transparent and you don't seem to be able to put words to them. All the sudden you can read a single line in a book and feel like something is saying it for you or simply reminding you of something obvious as well as it might have been hidden from you. Imagine how many people miss out on that!


In my sofa.

Bike parking forbidden

Monday, November 26, 2007

Mahnamahna, a classic

Something to cheer me up. I just love this, it is as wonderful as it is pink.

No more organ harvesting?

"Executes Organs Stays In the Family

China. China will no longer transplant organs from executed prisoners except to their closest relatives, states the Chinese state medias. International human rights groups have during a long time accused China to take care of organs from executed prisoners for transplantation without consent. Hospitals has also been accused of secretly take organs from traffic victims and other deceased patients without informing the families. The government has rejected the allegations and has said that most of the organs have been donated with consent by regular citizens and by executed prisoners who have given their consent before dying."


There is just this tiny thing to remember...many Chines have the belief that the body shall stay intact when buried = organ donations aren't the first thing a Chines thinks of before dying. There are a lot to be said about this question of China and organ transplants. It is as fishy as a fish farm. I know one thing though and that is only time can tell whether the Chinese government will make sure the new law will be implemented. I wouldn't get my hopes up too much...

The pic is from here.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

"Don't Hate On Me"

by Vincent. I have liked this song since the first time I heard it. It a song that I've had on my short repeat list on my mobile, the list of songs that I especially like. Lyrics.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Not in Swedish stores

Another thing that happened today but on the train. The girl sitting infront of me had a bag/purse that I liked and since I have had so much trouble finding one that I like (the fashion right now is so ugly with all these stuff on them, no elegance what so ever) I did what I do sometimes. I asked. "Excuse me, where did you buy the bag?" but she only smiled a little and explained to me in English that she doesn't speak Swedish. Crap! I asked again, in English, "You didn't buy that bag around here did you?" and her obvious answer was no. It is always annoying every time you ask someone who turns out not to be from here since they of course have bought most of their things far, far away. Once I asked a girl about her jacket buy the had bought it in Turkey.

Girl or a guy?

Why is it so important to know? I was sitting on a bus today and there were two girls (pretty and probably in their 20ies) sitting on the other side of the lane, talking to each other. I didn't think about it until I could hear one of the girl's voice through the music in my ears. She sounded like a guy. I took out the earphones and continued to listen to her voice but it kept sounding like a male voice, despite her very feminine facial looks (couldn't tell much from the way she dressed) and half long, blond, straight hair. It doesn't matter but still I wondered. How stupid and waste of energy. Hm.

"Sound and Fury"

I can recommend this documentary. It's good and disturbing.

"SOUND AND FURY documents one family's struggle over whether or not to provide two deaf children with cochlear implants, devices that can stimulate hearing."

"SOUND AND FURY was a 2001 Academy Award nominee for Best Documentary Feature."

...and I can see why.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Men v/s women?

= Okej, you are right!

The way I am...a hamster

I figured it out...I know what animal I am. Not that I even like this animal, it goes in the category "boring animals" according to me, together with eg. rabbits. I am talking about the hamster. Two similarities: the gathering of stuff (I am going through my closet) and the cheeks.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A smile in traffic

Another youtube thing to watch if you want to smile. People have nice ideas sometimes... You'll see.

Wishing list

This is what I have come up. My sister actually asked me some time ago and here is the answer...


Skohylla (den vita!)

Klädhylla (den vita!)


Tekopp (stooor, med öron & snygg)

Öronmuffar (svarta)

Hårpinnar (annorlunda)

Fjärrkontroll till TV

Bättre högtalare till datorn

...and then the are the expensive stuff that I will have to buy myself...when there will be a reasonable income. Whenever that is :-S Things like a good digital camera and later on a system camera and of course a lap top, a boring thing like a new water pump to my aquarium...and a boxing bag (I have to much energy etc. that wouldn't be good for my walls).

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Why the liberals are on the wrong track about schools

VERY INTERSTING ABOUT WHY CORPORAL PUNISHMENT DOES NOT bad it's just in Swedish :-( I recommend to see the repeat about it or check it out directly on the Internet. Maybe I'll write more about this another time, I am just too upset to do it now. It makes me feel so frustrated when people are so simple minded and refuse to learn from "history".

Sändningstider Dokument inifrån: Syndabockarna
SVT2 Söndag 18 nov 2007 kl 20.00
SVT2 Torsdag 22 nov 2007 kl 15.55
SVT2 Lördag 24 nov 2007 kl 16.25
SVT24 Lördag 24 nov 2007 kl 19.55
SVT HD Lördag 24 nov 2007 kl 19.55


Skolminister Jan Björklund tycker att han har bevis för att det krävs hårdare tag i skolan. Men hur skärper man straffet för ett barn som redan fått det strängaste straffet?

Mazen, som har jobbat i skolan, säger att skolan inte kan disciplinera de stökiga barnen genom att sätta hårt mot hårt.

Lärarna kan ändå aldrig matcha föräldrarnas straff och det leder till att barnen lyder hemma, men struntar i vad lärarna säger i skolan, säger han.

Dokumentärfilmaren Evin Rubar har träffat barnen som med våld och skadegörelse stängde sin skola. Det var de som blev skolministerns bevis för att det krävs hårdare tag i skolan."

Saturday, November 17, 2007


I am sorry but sometimes I find interesting things in Swedish and I can't translate everything even if I'd like to. I know by experience how frustrating it can be when not understanding what is said but...

This is a reply to a conservative person who argues that straight marriges => happy children etc. and that it therefor should only exist such marriages, referring to an unnamed study. Björn Fridén who wrote this argues in different ways that there are serious question to be asked concerning this.

There is a line saying this, which I find a bit amusing: "Det finns också studier som visar att kvinnor mår bättre och lever längre om mannen de lever med är mycket yngre än dem själva, är det skäl att lägga sig i ålderskillnaderna medelst lagstiftning?" = "There are also studies that show that women feel better and live longer if the man they are living with is much younger than themselves, is that a reason to interfer in the age differences by means of legislation?"

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My birthday 2007

Laughter! Thinking about...

...the moments when you just can't stop smile and laugh which make you smile and laugh at the memory. Looking through some photos and remembering. Some people combinations are simply laughing machines.

Another thing that made me laugh this evening was one...or actually two emails my sweet friend sent to me. Sometimes she is just to ridiculously funny, just being her self and having a good time. I forwarded an email about blonds (she is blond and we joke about being "blond") and she responded.

First email at 8.01 pm:


Second at 8.02 pm:

"Måste bara upprepa: Bahahahahahahahaha! Sanslöst kul"

How wonderful isn't that?!


I wonder if people think about how much a simple but honest compliment can do for a person's day and well being? I heard a story about a guy who during break in the lecture went and wrote in a girl's notebook that she was pretty when she smiled and that she should do it more often. The following day she came to school with her hair up in a little nicer way and wearing a little nicer clothes, smiling. The other day a good friend of mine gave me compliment that made me smile. She said that I look better and better as time goes by, that I have developed a style of my own and that she liked it. I have a weakness for bright eyes (not necessarily bluish) and it has happened several times that I have said to strangers or people I have talked to that they have very nice eyes...and yes, I got this from my mum.

It is so easy do be nice but there are a lot of people who don't seem to be thinking of it or comfortable doing so. I know a few who are really good at it but it's just a few. It is like my mum says, that here in Sweden people don't do it so much. Where she comes from people often give compliments and NO, it absolutely doesn't have to have anything to do with flirting as some seem to think.

To Stockholm

Great! I like hearing good news for my friends. S just got the job he wanted in Stockholm and that also means that his and his wife's life is going to be a little easier. :-) I just hope that the cost for transport won't be overwhelming.

You see. It feels like the world is talking about the climate change and how everybody has to contribute to the use of less energy and pollute less. My friend did his math and came to the conclusion that the cost for taking the car to work every day (he lives about an hour outside Stockholm) is just a little more than taking public transportation! How on earth can it be allowed (if nothing else, concerning the conscience) to not do more to make it an direct win-situation for the individual to take public transportation which is so much better for the environment? A lot more people would probably take the train and the company would make more money.

My friend calculated that for him to take the public transportation to work would cost him about 3200 SEK (343 EURO) per month. Fortunately you can deduct the amount that exceeds 7000 SEK (750 EURO) every year for the transport cost to and from work. Still, what incentives do people have to take the train than the car?

I guess that it as usual is about prioritising.....

And who does that?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Drunk Holmes?

"How to make you own alcohol"'s not even legal to do it. It is an old book...but it was in the window of the bookstore.

Goldy Dalai Lama

China is NOT happy that Dalai Lama received a gold medal by the amerikan congress.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Gay weddings in Swedish churches

"The Church Says Yes To Gay Weddings

Homosexuals should be able to get married in church. That is the opinion of the majority of the Swedish Church's dioceses [stift] according to the paper The Day. [Christian newspaper] ... The only diocese that gave a straight no to a gender free marriage law was Strängnäs."

read in the SKTF's paper.

Pensions & ethical saving

I know it is a boring question that few even want to think about and I am one of them. Although, the question will always remain. Where should you save you future pension money? Very soon I have to make a decision about the money for my pension that the company I worked for earlier this year have, should end up. I know only one thing and it is also something I think YOU, the reader should think about. Saving money for you pension isn't just to put the money somewhere and everything is fine. There are loads of money invested in the WEAPON INDUSTRY and the TOBACCO INDUSTRY and probably other non-ethical companies that I can't think of right now. In other words, many of us SUPPORT these kind of industries without even thinking about it or knowing about it!

I just want to make you think if that is something you want to do with YOUR money? You can make an active choice to avoid industries that contributes to many, many problem in the world and even chose to make sure that your money are invested in places that don't do this and even support things that work FOR a better world.

I haven't decided yet exactly where to start saving but one option is this below. I just have to take a closer look at my options and look at the pros and cons but I know that I won't chose a non-ethical one. I try my best to not being a hypocrite.

"Banco samarbetar med drygt 104 olika ideella organisationer och har fram till 2006 förmedlat ca 636 miljoner kronor till välgörande ändamål.

En ideell fond kännetecknas av att den varje år ger en utdelning till stöd för olika former av ideell verksamhet. De kunder som sparar i ideella fonder använder en del av sitt kapital till att stödja en ideell hjälporganisation som de själva valt, t ex Röda Korset, Rädda Barnen, Amnesty eller någon annan.

Du kan själv välja att låta en viss procent av ditt sparande placeras i någon av våra ideella fonder. Sedan väljer du den organisation som du vill ge ditt stöd; Amnesty, Ecpat, Rädda Barnen eller någon annan av de 100 ideella organisationer vi samarbetar med - välj var ditt hjärta ligger."

I have also seen that KPA don't invest in the weapon industry. Beside this I don't know anything. I just want you to be aware of the fact that your money could go to companies who's weapon's might be killing innocent people around the world.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

MC Donalds


Opinions about helporganizations

About Swede's opinions about non-profit helporganisations. The survey is made by Gallup, January 2007, commissioned by Banco Fonder. The text below is just a few pieces from the survey.

Summarize: "Women, highly educated people and people with high salaries are more positive than others to non-profit helporganizations. The biggest differences are bewteen the age groups, there the young people are a lot more positive (age 16-29) and the older the people are, the more negative they get. Both young guys and young girls are very positive."

"Precis som i de tidigare mätningarna finns det tydliga resultatskillnader mellan olika undergrupper av svarande. Kvinnor, välutbildade personer samt höginkomsttagare är mer positiva än övriga till ideella hjälporganisationer.

Den största skillnaden i allmän inställning till dessa organisationer finner man dock när man studerar olika åldersgrupper. Det visar sig nämligen att de yngsta undersökningsdeltagarna är de som är klart mest positiva. Inställningen till hjälporganisationerna blir sedan allt mindre positiv ju högre upp i ålder man kommer. Bland de yngsta i undersökningen (16-29 år) är 95% positiva eller mycket positiva till ideella hjälporganisationer – motsvarande siffra bland de äldsta respondenterna (60 år eller äldre) är 70%.

De tydliga skillnaderna mellan olika åldersgrupper känner vi igen sedan tidigare mätningar, även om skillnaderna inte varit fullt lika stora tidigare – årets resultat pekar på ett rekordstort stöd för hjälporganisationerna bland de unga. Såväl unga killar som unga tjejer har en mycket positiv inställning till dessa organisationer."

DAD! It's YOUR day!

Some call their father "far" and others "farsan" and others "dad". I always have and will always call him PAPPA (dad)! He's the best so he deserves to be called PAPPA!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Frustrating conversation ;-)

* Bla bla bla...

- Bla bla bla 5 %.

* Sorry, what do you mean? 5 % of what? I don't understand.

- 5!

* Of what?

- 5 %!


(and so on...)

- 5 % are xxxx.

* Ahaaaaa...Why didn't you just say so?

- I did.

* No you didn't, you answered my question about "what is 5 %" with "5 %", I got the 5 % thing but not WHAT it is that is 5 %. NOW I understand though, when you said what it was you meant.

- I thought that was clear, I thought you understood.

* Obviously not, I wouldn't have asked "5 % of what?" if I had.


Isn't it "fun" when you get into conversations where someone doesn't hear something or doesn't understand the sentence and when the other person is trying to explain, he or she totally misses to repeat the main point of that specific part of the conversation? Instead he/she repeats the detail that is hanging free from the rest of the discussion and is clear as a day but without a real meaning.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Killing in the name of...

Rage Against the Machine - "Killing in the name of"

Hey you...

...there are answers to your questions about peace/whimp now...

The hug is on the news

This is obviously huge, the hugging thing. That's cool :-)

Want to know more?

Feeling down? HUGS!!!!

You just HAVE to see this! If you are not smiling after seeing this, I don't know what kind of person you are. So if you are not feeling very joyful at the moment, you most definitely show check this out. :-D

I want one too!

Less compensation --> more jobs?!

"Forskningen kan naturligtvis inte säga vilken ekonomisk politik som är den "bästa", eftersom sådana ställningstaganden måste grundas på både analys och värderingar. Ett exempel är höstens a-kassedebatt. Forskningen ger starkt stöd för att lägre arbetslöshetsersättning innebär fler jobb. Men samtidigt innebär lägre a-kassa sämre försäkringsskydd för de arbetslösa och sannolikt en ojämnare inkomstfördelning. Hur den målkonflikten ska hanteras är en politisk fråga. Men besluten bör förstås grundas på så god kunskap som möjligt om sambandet mellan a-kassenivå och sysselsättning."

Lars Calmfors (whom I by the way have a book by, it was course literature at the time I studied national economy)

I am very curious HOW the lower compensation in it self creates more jobs. Does the fact that people get less money from one part, mean that eg. companies (another part) have more money and actual things that need to be done, hence wanting more people to work for them? Or? I simply can't see the connection.

That the uneven income distribution become larger is something that I intuitively can understand, it is even the explicit point, but not the prior situation.

Public exposure? Go to Olofsson/Vero Moda

Imagine you walk into a clothing store and grab some things you want to try on. You walk into the fitting room, starts taking of your clothes and in that very moment a head pops up in the mirror, looking down at you, asking "Can I help you?".

Imagine this happens maybe not every time you visit that specific store but rather often. You have never experienced it anywhere else ever. When you finally ask a person in the store if it is a policy to do that, they say yes, saying that they do it because most of the shop lifting takes place in the fitting room.

I asked that and I also asked how they could thing it was ok to do that thing to anyone, making them feel very uncomfortable, exposed and without any possibility to get away. Always risking being seen almost naked by a perfect stranger + the fact that they assume you are committing a crime?

Answer: The rather short guy that I was arguing with, said that he had never seen anyone in just underwear (I thought quietly it is just because he can't see over the door), as if that mattered. The main thing he said was that the store is private area and they do what they want.

I said that I am, after 4 years as a costumer, never going to buy anything there again, then I left.

What store am I talking about? Olofsson (which has the same owner as Vero Moda, which used the premises before and had the same policy)


Ah...the pirogues I made last night (sometimes I'm most effective around 10pm-1am) around 11 pm. Recipes? Bah! Nooo...I just made something up and hopes for the best and now I am waiting for the evening when I can eat the final ones for dinner. :-)

By the way, just a small tip. Do not poor almost boiling water all over your hand. It takes such a long time to heal and no long be visible.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Why not torture?

From Bo Lindblom who has extensive knowledge about this and many other things:

1. Många som drabbas av tortyr är helt oskyldiga. De kan ha utsatts för en falsk angivelse eller de har bara råkat befinna sig på fel plats vid fel tidpunkt.

2. Tortyr ger skador som kan vara hela livet. Även sedan de fysiska skadorna har läkts kvarstår mentala skador som bara kan lindras genom omfattande behandling. För de flesta drabbade finns ingen sådan behandling att tillgå.

3. Tortyr framtvingar ofta falsk information och leder till felaktiga gripanden. I USA har det nu börjat komma fram att erfarna högre militärer och tidigare anställda inom CIA och FBI är djupt oroade över Bush-administrationens inställning till information som tagits fram genom tortyr (eller med metoder som nu kallas något annat men som enligt sedan länge gällande normer definieras som tortyr). Även Danmarks statsminister har förklarat att han inte ser något hinder för att använda information som framkommit under tortyr – förutsatt att tortyren inte skett i Danmark. Men personer som är verkligt sakkunniga inom det här området betecknar bekännelser och angivelser som framkommit under tortyr som ”rotten information”.

4. Förekomsten av tortyr skärper redan existerande motsättningar i samhället. Vem som helst bör väl kunna föreställa sig hur vi skulle reagera om någon nära anhörig hade torterats.

5. För att dölja grov tortyr är det i många länder vanligt att de ansvariga tillgriper tortyr till döds – även av oskyldiga, som annars skulle kunna vittna om vad de har utsatts för, och av vilka. Här är fallet Dagmar Hagelin ett känt exempel – hon greps på grund av en förväxling, men efter förhören var hon så illa tilltygad att hon inte kunde visas upp.

Hayden and her dolphins

"TV star Hayden Panettiere has been involved in a violent confrontation with Japanese fishermen as she tried to disrupt their annual dolphin slaughter."

Hayden has courage

Nice to hear that there are people, famous ones, have courage to stand up for their believes in a very evident way...

She's in "Heroes".

Computer intrusion (m)


The feeling I've had before came more clear to me last night. I went to a Amnesty meeting (a little larger, monthly one) and as soon as I stepped into the room, all the bad thoughts I had before just disappeared. I had thought about things that had happened lately and several weeks ago, everything just spinning around as usual in my crowded head. I felt annoyed and frustrated. After the meeting I just felt good and calm, even though the meeting finished with an hour long "lecture" about what the Red Cross' Treatment Center for people exposed to torture and who are hurt by war held by a woman working there. So even if the evening ended with talk about posttraumatic stress etc., I felt so good afterwards. It's something about the people there, always nice and friendly, everyone having basic values that I agree with (which for me is relaxing), having fun although the subject usually not tend to be at all as amusing. Well, I like it.

Sunday, November 04, 2007


What a funny word, it's actually a name of a stadium or something. Some what paradoxical, gigant = giant, -inho = diminutive (making something "small"). So it means something like "The little giant".

Friday, November 02, 2007

Having soul peace

I got the comment from somebody who said that more people should be like me, standing up for things that are smoking. In some areas and some cases I can be a bitch, that means that I am just a little less bad than the people am this bitch towards. I say only one thing: one earns one's respect.

The funny thing is that there is a person who made my choice to try to stop being a pathetic wimp...a person who made me cry for two (separate) nights. Who made me flee into the bathroom so that no one could reach me. Who maybe made me feel worse than I ever had... I am a wimp in my own eyes almost every day but I am working on it and it is easier since that evening. I chose one peace before another.

Baby smoker

My neighour makes me crazy. He has started to smoke inside again, even though he has a baby at home who is about two months old. He forces his own child to inhale deadly substances even when she is at sleep, like right now.

Politics you wonder? Yes, information...there is obviously not enough.

Boots & weird advices

Finally I found a pair I like and afford (or so I hope). There was an advise attached to them. I don't understand the second part of the advice. Do you?!

This is not from my boots but it is close to what I consider an almost perfect heel (for a more everyday shoe).

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Why I "refuse" to support "Rosa bandet"

"Rosa bandet" (Pink ribbon) is a reoccurring charity event here in Sweden. It is to raise money to find a cure against breast cancer. So far so good. A good cause of course. There are many suffering because if their or others breast cancer. Still I have no urge what so ever to give any money to that cause. They raised 56 million SEK (=6 003 752,35 EURO).

What is my problem then? It is that it is so easy to give to such a neutral cause. There is not a soul anywhere that would think it is a BAD cause, that there are reason not to give money. I can't help feel that giving money to cancer research is a rather easy way to make you feel better. Not needing to think for more than 5 seconds, that is, how much money do I have in my wallet right now and can I afford to give those crowns by making one or two phone calls. No actual feelings (except for those who personally has been affected of course), no need for them. No thinking. No anger (pointing finger at a disease is rather difficult). No reasoning. No miles to conquer in your mind.

How can people give so much money to cancer but doing everything to avoid signing a free card, giving a few crowns (1 SEK = 0,11 EURO) taking another direction from point a to point b to avoid having to talk to a person, getting any piece of information, anything that would remind you of something else but the coffee you are about to have in that coffee shop with your friend and not to forget, the new pair of Levi's you just bought for about 70 EURO?

Again. What is my problem then? Lift your eyes and see MORE things, don't be so narrow minded, dare realizing that there is more. It won't go away just because you shut your eyes. I know, everybody can't care about everything...but so many people are talking about the potentials of people, show it that you have the potential to see more than one extremely non-controversial thing (in the sense that it need any thought about consequences), if you dare!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Not for kids :-)

This might be a little dirty for some :-)
Notice the pixels.

October Road

"Apparently The Worst Rap of All Time. (NYC 777 Chronicles)"

Haha...this sucks :-D


That is what I am. Very. Heavy eyelids. Some new clothes. Longing for my bed. Toothbrush. Now.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Roma's reality

Because you didn't think their problems where over or that they don't excist here?!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

(Almost) killing innocent people, it's a fact

Some more steeling. This is about three men that all had been wrongfully convicted for murder they didn't commit (one for a person who wasn't even dead) and sentenced to death but later released. They recently spoke at the UN.

"Edward Edmary
Mpagi från Uganda tillbringade 18 år i dödscell. Han dömdes till döden år 1981 anklagad för att ha mördat en man som senare befanns vara i livet!

- Det är svårt att beskriva upplevelsen av att sitta i dödscell när man vet att man är oskyldig, säger Ray Krone, som är den 100:e dödsdömdefången som frigivits i USA efter att DNA-tester visat att han varit oskyldigt dömd.

Sakae Menda
greps 1949 av de japanska myndigheterna anklagad för att ha mördats två personer. Genom att använda tortyr tvingade polisen fram en falsk "bekännelse", och efter en inkorrekt rättegång förklarades Menda alltså skyldig och dömdes därför att mista livet. Vid sex tillfällen begärde Sakae Menda ny rättegång innan äntligen ställdes inför rätta igen 1983. Efter att ha suttit i dödscell i 34 år, frikände domstolen honom och han blev den förste dödsdömde japan som släpptes ur fängelset.
- Att leva med vissheten att din dödsdom kan verkställas vilken månad eller dag som helst är tortyr, säger Sakae Menda.

De tre tidigare dödsdömda männen talade nyligen på ett möte som hade arrangerats av Amnesty vid FN i New York och de uppmanande alla stater i världsorganisationen som fortfarande använder dödsstraff att upphöra med detta.Uppgifterna är hämtade ur ett pressmeddelande från Amnesty. Det går för övrigt att gratisprenumerar på dessa meddelanden på nätet."

Additional facts about the death penalty in Japan. The time before the convicted person finds out when the actual execution is going to take place is sometimes (or very often??) only a couple of hours before and their families are not notified. Executions are often made while many people are on vacation.

In my head... Zombie

"Zombie" - Cranberries

I've got lot's in my head and on my mind.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

This is my 444th blog post!

Yes, it is! Just wanted to mention that to you :-)

I'm a night person

Quotations from the article I mentioned below...

"Morgonidealet är en religion"
Men trots att B-människan finns på riktigt enligt allt tydligare vetenskapliga belägg, är normen i samhället fortfarande att den duktige och flitige stiger upp tidigt på morgonen. Camilla liknar själv morgonidealet vid en religion där det uppenbart är bättre att stå upp med tuppen än att vara effektiv och kunna arbeta bättre på kvällen istället.

Nukleus suprachiasmaticus - vår biologiska klocka
Vår dygnsrytm och därigenom vår förmåga att fungera och prestera styrs av en inre biologisk klocka - en liten del i Hypotalamus i hjärnan som heter nukleus suprachiasmaticus../Det är härifrån dygnsrytmen styrs men genetiskt sett är vi ändå olika.

Våra biologiska klockor avgör inte bara om vi tycker bäst om morgnar eller kvällar, De avgör också hur långt varje människas dygn är, eftersom vi också är olika där. Vissa, ofta de som är mer kvällspigga, har en inre klocka som är lite längre än det vanliga 24-timmarsdygnet.

- De flesta människor har en dygnsrytm på ungefär 24,18 timmar om man blir helt avskuren från dagsljus och almanacka. Men det finns studier där människor isolerats helt i grottor i flera veckor eller månader, och då finns en skillnad, en del har en 24 timmars cykel, en del har 27-28 timmars cykel, menar Maria Lennernäs som är professor i måltid och nutrition.

Konsekvenser för hälsan
Att bryta för mycket mot sin genetiska dygnsrytm, leder för de flesta till att man sover för lite och vid fel tillfällen. Manipulerar man sin dygnsrytm under en längre tid kan det få riktigt allvarliga konsekvenser för egna hälsan.

Experiment visar att en morgonmänniska som tvingas vara vaken länge har svårare att koncentrera sig och fatta beslut än en kvällsmänniska.

Skilda personligheter
Kvälls- och morgonmänniskor tycks även till viss del ha olika personlighetsdrag. Här finns inga tydliga omfattande forskningsresultat, men vissa tendenser är ändå klart märkbara.

Maria Lennernäs menar att morgonmänniskor är mer beroende av fasta vanor och rutiner. Kvällsmänniskor inte riktigt lika planerande och mer risktagande:

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

YES, I am not a freak!

I knew it!!! I have fought this problem ever since I started school I think. Is that so dad? I AM an evening/night person and always have been and it is biological! I am too tired right now to write everything I want to here right now since I woke up about 4.30 am this morning and will have to wake up about the same time tomorrow morning....but this article is about how it is scientifically proven that different people have different diurnal rhythm (dygnsrytm) and not only about what time of the day that you want to wake up/go to bed but also how many HOURS one's "24-hour period" is. For some it is 24 hours, for some longer. (that sentence is way too long but I don't care, my head is as heavy as the TV I am going to turn of now before bed) Eg. feel good and natural being awake 18 hours and then sleep for 8 hours = 26 hours! I think I am more like that, that I quite easily can be awake for more than 16 hours straight. I think so because of the chronicle turning the day/night over as soon as I don't have regular school/job that forces me to get up at a specific time everyday. It's so easy for me to do that, ask my dear parents who have seen me do that every summer when I lived at home.

Read this, if you can, it is really interesting! I think I might be a B-person.

Monday, October 15, 2007


"Tillfället får inte försummas. Ett precis
likadant besöker oss sällan två gånger."

...och de försummas ständigt. Många tillfällen till mycket som försummas men inte bara tillfällena i sig utan även vad de skulle ha kunnat ge möjlighet till. Ibland försummas det, ibland går det bara inte även om man vill men skam den som ger sig...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Christian right?

I don't understand why that is. Isn't there a Christian left? Can't people be Christian and not being and having the same opinions as the Swedish Christian Party and/or the Republicans? Of course there are Christians on the left side but honestly, how often do we hear about it in politics? Do not think that I think that religion should be part of politics, I really don't, but still, why "is" Christian right (in both senses)? Maybe the left Christians think that their believes don't have anything to do with politics (I have no idea, this is just me thinking out loud) but in a way I miss the leftish values from a Christian point of view, or is Christianity about low taxes, the free market, deregulation, private schools/health care? If nothing else to show people in general the different possibilities about how one can see and act from that view and simply to learn more.
I'd love for someone to explain to me what eg. privatisation has to do with God! And no, I am not being ironic...

My head is about to burst

There are so many things that I want to blog about that I don't know where to begin. My bundle of ideas written down by me and articles to write about is getting ridiculously large. Not to forget all the things that I haven't written down hat also are things that are going on in my head..oh man!

Soon there will be grey matter everywhere ;-)

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Today it is 300 days before the Olympics...

Can you read?

Only great minds can read this. This is weird, but interesting! This is a cool thing check it out.

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it

Press here


Quiet people makes me nervous...

Not knowing what they are thinking and what they intend to do or not do and how.

The other way of thinking about it

The site above contains several important facts and arguments why the death penalty is NOT acceptable or helpful (to anyone). It is in English and isn't hard to read. I know that there are many who spontaneously say that they are pro the death penalty but my experience say that they in fact have little fact about it and haven't thought so much about it. Being informed give you a better understanding and better arguments for what ever position you have/take. So I can just recommend you to read some. If not all, chose some topics you find more interesting.

You might learn something new...
Ignorance might be bliss but also one of the most dangerous things!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Feel this rain come tumbling down

"Tumbling Down" - Eskobar, again. I have played it here once before I think but it can't hurt being played again. Notice that the sound isn't very good nor how it is supposed to sound. They They probably manipulated it on purpose. This is for those who likes to feel the rain come tumbling down...

Some Eskobar

"Love Strikes".

I've got a soft spot for Eskobar. Often I like more rough voices but this guy has such a nice (mostly) voice and the music then...

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


No, I am not drunk and slipped on the keyboard :-) A quick how to write in Swedish: 1. the general rule is that there shouldn't be more than 3 consonants in a row. 2. It is not very common to use the letters w, y and z. This is a last name and I am impressed of how hard it is for me to pronounce it :-) ...and of course it isn't Swedish so the rules I have learnt don't apply, obviously hihi...

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The force is with you, use the PEN!

Some more (and translated) steeling:

"It is also Amnesty who these days encourage all of us to send postcards with flowers on to the military junta in Burma och demand democracy and the release of Aung San Suu Kyi. To hand over flowers to someone is namely a peace- and reconciliation gesture according to the traditions in Burma. The hope is that a "tsunami of postcard flowers" shall be poured in over the showy generals and show them that the world outside is keeping an eye on them and thus their actions.

Write to Seniorgeneral Thán Shwe, Chairman of the SPDC, Ministry of defence, Naipyudaw, Division of Mandalay, Union of Myanmar(Burma)."

Saturday, September 29, 2007

NO! No accounting

I just realized that it in my profile says that I am doing accounting which couldn't be more wrong, I don't understand how it got there in the first place. I also realized when trying to change "accounting" to "not specified", it didn't work. Blogger want me to have something there, anything but "not specified". "Non profit" is the closest thing that I am doing, in both senses. I actually am doing some kind of non profit work but mainly it is because I in general certainly isn't making any profit at all right now...

Friday, September 28, 2007

The Maybe

There are many words to dislike, depending on one's preferences. There is one particularly I really don't like and it is the word "maybe". Unfortunately I have to use it every now and then myself but I don't like to use it and I really don't like when others use it. It tend to be followed by a "no" and all the hopes, wishes and more or less fixed plans turn to nothing. "Maybe we can meet/do..." but then nothing. I am well aware of the fact that there are times when you simply don't know but until it becomes a "yes" and the plans are followed through, there is this tension of not knowing and one's maybe turn into other's maybes because people are connected. I can't help being the type of person who likes to know and understand things. "Maybe (=maybe not) we can meet at...", "Maybe (= maybe not) I can get this job", "Maybe (= maybe not) I can afford doing...", "Maybe (= maybe not) I will catch the train". The maybes aren't always said out loud but they are still there. I am the kind of person who needs variation and change but it doesn't mean that I like uncertainty. It gets straight to my head and my stomach and as a consequent also affects my mood. It is a thing that doesn't make me calmer if I put like that and those who knows me know that that is something I don't need, to be more..."energetic".

Thursday, September 27, 2007