Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wife beaters

That's an awful expression and also fun :-)

This is NOT a serious blog post :-)

Pay to work

Not get payed to work. If I only had loads of money saved but I don't so it is hard to apply/get/accept the work I want, even for a shorter period of time since I need money when I get home while looking for a new job. Frustrating.

Eg.: "August 2008 Fees
12 months abroad -$7.895
6 months abroad - $4.965"

Stoning in the BIBLE

It is not used nowadays in Christian countries but stoning if mentioned more times in the Bible than anything about how wrong it is to be homosexual..."by the way".

From Wikipedia (and you can find more in the English version):

Stening i Bibeln

I Bibeln[1] finns det ett flertal uppmaningar att stena.

  • Ni skall vara helgade åt mig, ty jag, Herren, är helig, och jag har avskilt er från andra folk för att ni skall tillhöra mig. En man eller en kvinna som har en ande från en död eller en spådomsande i sig skall straffas med döden. Man skall stena dem, skulden för deras död är deras egen. (3 Mos 20:26-27)
  • Herren talade till Mose: Mannen som förbannat skall föras utanför lägret. Alla som har hört orden skall lägga händerna på hans huvud, och hela menigheten skall stena honom. (3 Mos 24:13-14), (4 Mos 15:35)
  • Var och en som smädar Herrens namn skall straffas med döden, hela menigheten skall stena honom. Den som smädar Namnet, han må vara invandrare eller infödd, skall dödas. (3 Mos 24:16)
  • Om en son är trotsig och upprorisk och inte lyder sin far och mor, inte ens när de tuktat honom, skall de ta honom med sig och föra honom till de äldste i staden, till hemstadens port. De skall säga till stadens äldste: ”Det här är vår son, han är trotsig och upprorisk och lyder oss inte, han bara festar och super.” Då skall alla männen i staden stena honom till döds. Du skall utrota det onda ur folket. Hela Israels folk skall känna fruktan när de får höra talas om detta. (5 Mos 21:18-21)
  • Men om anklagelsen är riktig och det inte finns något bevis på att flickan var oskuld, skall flickan hämtas ut från sin fars hus, och utanför dörren skall männen i staden stena henne till döds, eftersom hon genom att hora i sin fars hus har gjort vad som är en vettlöshet i Israel. Du skall utrota det onda ur folket. (5 Mos 22:20-21)
  • Om en orörd flicka är trolovad med en man och en annan man träffar henne i staden och ligger med henne där, skall ni föra ut båda till stadsporten och stena dem till döds, flickan därför att hon inte ropade på hjälp inne i staden, och mannen därför att han lägrade en annans kvinna. Du skall utrota det onda ur folket. (5 Mos 22:23-24)
  • Därför skall jag samla alla de älskare som har njutit din gunst, vare sig du tyckt om dem eller inte. Från alla håll skall jag samla dem, och jag skall blotta ditt sköte för dem, så att de ser dig i all din nakenhet. Jag skall döma dig som man dömer äktenskapsbryterskor och mörderskor. Du skall få känna av min vrede och min svartsjuka. Jag skall prisge dig åt dem, och de skall rasera din offerhöjd och jämna dina kullar med marken. De skall slita av dig kläderna och ta dina praktfulla smycken, tills du ligger där alldeles naken. De skall båda upp en skara mot dig, som skall stena dig och stycka dig med sina svärd och bränna ner dina hus. De skall verkställa domen över dig i många kvinnors åsyn. Jag skall göra slut på ditt horande, och du skall inte längre ge några gåvor. (Hes 16:37-41)
  • Så säger Herren Gud: Båda upp en skara mot dem och utlämna dem åt skräck och plundring. Skaran skall stena dem och stympa dem med sina svärd, döda deras söner och döttrar och bränna ner deras hus. (Hes 23:46-47)

This is an example of the hadiths where Mohammed ordered stoning to be used but notice that the word stoning is not used (unlike in the Bible):

Stening inom islam

Ordet stening används inte i Koranen, men däremot finns det ett flertal hadither som beskriver hur Mohammed beordrar stening. Ett exempel:

“Ubada b. as-Samit reported: Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Receive (teaching) from me, receive (teaching) from me. Allah has ordained a way for those (women). When an unmarried male commits adultery with an unmarried female (they should receive) one hundred lashes and banishment for one year. And in case of married male committing adultery with a married female, they shall receive one hundred lashes and be stoned to death.” (Sahih Muslim, Book 17: Number 4191[2])



  1. ^, Svenska Bibelsällskapet
  2. ^ Sahih Muslim, Book 17: Number 4191, The Book Pertaining to Punishments Prescribed by Islam (Kitab Al-Hudud), University of Southern California

Prevent someone being stoned to death!

Do you think people have right to live and not to be exposed to torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, eg. being excecuted by medium sized rocks? Click HERE and just sign your name and the city you live in. If you want to know more about it (only in Swedish unfortunately) click here.

Pic from here.
Ja'far Kiani was stoned to death as a punishment for having sex outside the marriage with Makarrameh Ebrahim (with whom he has two children). They are both sentenced to death by stoning.

It is mostly women who are sentenced to be stones to death and a reason for this is that they are exposed to discrimination within the judicial system in Iran. Many women are alphabets and can be forced to sign confessions of a crime they did not commit.

"Ja'far Kiani stenades till döds den 5 juli 2007. Han dömdes för att ha haft en utomäktenskaplig relation med Mokarrameh Ebrahimi, och de har två barn tillsammans. Även Mokarrameh dömdes till stening, hon sitter nu i Choubinfängelset tillsammans med ett av barnen och Amnesty befarar att domen mot henne också kommer att verkställas.
Avrättningen av Ja'far Kiani var den första steningen som bekräftats av myndigheterna sedan 2002.

Det är oftast kvinnor som döms till stening. Ett skäl till detta är den diskriminerande behandling de utsätts för i det iranska rättssystemet. De är även särskilt utsatta eftersom många kvinnor är analfabeter och därför kan tvingas skriva under bekännelser till brott de inte begått utan att förstå innebörden. Diskrimineringen av kvinnor leder även till att de löper större risk att dömas för äktenskapsbrott."

Monday, February 25, 2008

Two is definetely not a crowd

I think I know only two people here in Sweden, who is not a parent of mine, that I know understand the feeling of wanting to live abroad, the need to do so and who dream about it. One of the two people have lived in other countries for at least some months at a time and the other is very soon about to move to another continent permanently (I guess). Some people just seem to wonder why on earth I'd like to be away from Sweden, my family and friends. Well, they are not going anywhere and there is literally a whole world out there to learn from, to experience and to love. Well, I am not leaving soon anyway.

Catch 22

Experience without job and job without experience? It is so frustrating not having a real shot at a job just because lack of relevant experience. HOW am I supposed to get that experience if they are not willing to give me a job that would give me just that? I know that I sooner or later probably will get the chance but right not I feel a little stuck in catch 22. This is not the first time it happens when applying for a job I really want.

Pic from here.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Steady As She Goes

The Raconteurs - "Steady As She Goes"
Heard it the first time on TV in Slovakia 2006. I loved it from the very first second. The video is ugly but the song is all that the video isn't.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Pedro Abrunhosa - Quem me leva os meus fantasmas
To a friend who introduced me to "Boa sorte" which I have played here earlier.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

With Every Heartbeat

Robyn feat. Kleerup - "With Every Heartbeat"
Not really my kind of music, mostly the Kleerup part that I don't like.

Homecoming - not away, not yet

Kanye West feat. Chris Martin - "Homecoming"
I especially like the piano and the rhythm.


It's not that often I feel nervous but I am right now. Waiting for news that could affect my life makes me nervous. It happened a few months ago (even though it turned out not to be permanent, what so ever, very unfortunately but that's not the point) and I am not fond of it.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Follow your heart

InterestinPublish Postg speech, especially some parts. Eg. 4.30 and a minute forward and at 7.55 at 11.55!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Crimson Sky

Hoffmaestro and Chraa - "Crimson Sky". I heard them for the first time today on TV, in a show about interior design :-) I like it's happy tone. The kind of music you can jump and have fun to on festivals.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Stressed Brain, Stressed Body

In the book I bought (!!...I've been inspiried by someone to read more) yesterday, named "Stressad hjärna, stressad kropp" = "Stressed Brain, Stressed Body" by Ulf Lundberg and Görel Wentz I read the following:

"Positive feelings and deep friendship is an incredible important antidote against the longterm stress' down breaking effects."

If deep friendship helps against stress and other negative effects, how are you affected when losing important friendship? Do the good effects just fail to come or does it have an actual negative effect? I think it is the latter.

Friday, February 08, 2008

First and second impression

Usually you get a first impression of a person which often tend to be quite accurate. In some cases you have to revise your opinion when you get to know the person better. I have a good example on a person who turned out to be nicer than I first thought.

I met a Colombian guy through a friend in Slovakia. That first time I got the impression that he was negative and a little arrogant and he managed to annoy me almost immediately. I kept bumping into him and we became friends. What's so special about him is that he went from being the arrogant guy to the only one who actually cared enough about me to comfort me when I was feeling sad and lonely (despite all the people I met everyday). No olvidaré. He was also the only person who came to my place when I was packing my belongings (I was leaving the country the next morning) to keep me company and to say good bye. When he finally left, he refused to give me a hug and just gave me the two kisses on the cheeks. His way of saying "see ya" instead of "good bye".

You see, you should always give people a real chance to show who they really are, not judging them to quickly.

Manda abrazos a tu bonita esposa!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Last one to know

I am raised in a family that is very open and I am used to be included in certain things even though I am the youngest. I am not good at all handling being the last one to know important things, whether it is within the family or concerning people outside it. It's hurtful.

I think that there are certain things, from certain people and in certain situations that one should NOT have to hear in a roundabout way (from someone else). But that is just me. Obviously :-((

Monday, February 04, 2008

Good if religious and bad if Nazism?

Let me begin by saying that this will probably piss some people off but I'd love to hear somebody explain why some people and their way of living is better than the other's. I still haven't got a satisfactory answer, or any really, that I as a heterosexual and atheist person can understand and I have wondered about this for ages.

* Why is it that it is more accepted for a religious person to be intolerant and be disparaging towards homosexuals than if a Nazi does?

* Is it a good/ok/acceptable if the reason is based on a religious belief and bad and despicable if it is based on another set of values, values that are not socially accepted by the majority?

* How can one defend one and the same outcome based on to different views, one considered as GOD and the other one as BAD?

* Is it ok as long as the opinion doesn't lead to physical abuse, just legal and personal harm and restricted personal and individual freedom?

* Is it ok to prevent religious people to practice their religion through the legal system and talk to and about them as if they were acting, thinking and living in the wrong way just as long as there is no physical abuse?

And NO, it is NOT rhetorical questions (which many people seem to CHOOSE to see many of my questions as, says more about them then me).

Not all is freedom of religion

"Människor kan inte bete sig hur som helst bara för att de hänvisar till några rader i Bibeln eller Koranen. Det är inte det som är religionsfrihet".
Nyamko Sabuni, integrationsminister

"People can't behave as they please just because they refer to some lines in the Bible or the Koran. That's not freedom of religion."

It's far from every time that I agree with her, but this time I sure do. I talked to a friend the other day who is studying to become a priest for the Swedish church. He is currently studying Hebrew to be able to understand the original texts but it has nothing to do with interpretation of the meanings of them. I couldn't help myself to comment that I don't understand how on earth so many Christians focus so much on the gay question (when there are poverty, wars and all other God forsaken missary just around the corner) and he said that anti-gay sections are TWO or THREE in the Bible. TWO or THREE, can you even imagine...and THAT is what so many people base their choice of politicians on, maybe not so many here but on the other side of the Atlantic... To be honest, do you actually think it is strange that the view of religion and religious people isn't always so positive, at least not here? Fortunatley or unfortunately, people's priorities says a lot about them and what they believe in and represent.

(Sorry for the italic, I can't take it away)

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Being right?

Haha... Someone said about me:

"You're right...
And when you're right... You're right...
And you... You are always right..."

P.S. - Domestic violence

Patrick Stewart, known from eg. Star Treck and X-Men. Here he speaks of domestic violence from a personal view and experiences. He obviously finds it hard to talk about. It's a joy watching him act and he has great voice. Prevention of domestic violence.