Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Hey you...

...there are answers to your questions about peace/whimp now...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for replying, I very much enjoy reading your blog and I cannot stop myself from commenting on some of your postings. Keep up the good work!

Natasja said...

I don't want you to stop yourself. I like getting comments. It's fun and it shows that there are at least some who actually reads it. I am glad you like it. :-)

Anonymous said...

Do you have any idea how many friends are reading your blog?

Natasja said...

The amount of people I THINK/hope reads it, at least once in a while, is maybe six, you included. One is my dad and another is my sister. I am hoping for more now that I've joined sites where I hope more people will find me. I write mostly for myself but it's fun if there are at least a few who likes to read it.