Thursday, January 28, 2010

Disco In My Head

My Hungarian friend sent me this song, " I thought I give you a cult. exp. ;) If you don't mind"

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My goal

Someone I only got to know a while ago just wrote this to me on Facebook. It really made me smile and I want to keep it and therefore I post it here on my blog. The thing is that I haven't known her for a long time and yet she writes this about me. I always find it fascinating how people percept others. It can vary quite a bit, including when it comes to me. It makes me wonder where the biggest part lies, within me and how I present myself or the other person's preconceptions?

"Och Natasja, jag vill bara säga att du är en av de få människor som BÅDE har starka åsikter OCH orkar och kan se, acceptera och respektera människorna så som de är utan att tänka på facket de ofta blir stoppade i."

Romani children - discriminated

"Romani children in the Czech Republic suffer discrimination in the enjoyment of their right to education.

In November 2007, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that discriminatory placement in special schools violated the right of Romani children to education. The government was obliged to adopt corrective measures. Two years later, however, the discrimination continues.

The discrimination takes many forms, including through the overrepresentation of Romani children in schools for pupils with “mild mental disabilities” (now called practical elementary schools) and through their segregation in Roma-only schools and classes - offering education of lower quality. This limits their future education and employment opportunities."/Amnesty

The same thing is going on in Slovakia.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

They are universal and still many don't know what they are

What I and 2 million others work for...

The Drummer Boy

This kid is really something! A five year old playing System of a Down, that's my kind of kid ;-)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

IT-companies contribute to oppression

I know a few who works in this business and they tend to be rather uninterested in what I think is among the most important things. That is ridiculous because it's nothing more than ostrich manners. IT and human rights are obvious areas that intersect. It's possible to compare IT with Nobel's dynamite. Can be used for good, as well as great evil. So what am I trying to say? It's all about taking responsibility.

I also want to add the fact that no matter how safe we might feel about Sweden and the system here, it is not permanent. Nothing is to be taken for granted. So don't read the newspapers with the "it only happens over there, far far away"-glasses. Sweden has changed over time and we might change again. Personally I feel that we already are, towards darker times.

Don't take our freedom of speech for granted! And try not to murder/abuse/imprison others in the long run...

På Skype ikväll

N: bottar änderna
N: ar ättat ansiktet
M: ötter ikka?
N: inte än :)
M: en nart?
N: oppas :)
M: ikka å atta ig ängen?
N: nte å ikka kratta ed andorsten i unnen :P
M: andkräm verallt? aket? olvet? äggen?
N: ä, en unde a arit
M: ippie!!! :D
N: :D :D en ed tängd unn

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Zest for life

"Hahaha, Natasja, you have more energy than 99 percent of all people I've met in my life ;-)"

My dear friend Karin wrote this. To sum it up, I do have a lot of energy, presupposing I find the situation/subject/people interesting and important. Some appreciate this energy, others find it annoying and/or threatening (my interpretation at least) for some reason.

A colleague said: "Är du en väldigt levnadsglad person, Natasja?" "Are you a person filled of zest for life, Natasja?" He thought I was speaking so enthusiastically, smiled and talking with my whole body. Of course I was happy to hear that but it also says something about how at least some Swedes think and act. That is, like me. Why is it seen as something uncommon? Let loose people! The more you give, the more you get. Trust me on that.

A sand story

This is absolutely beautiful, touching and sad! I recommend you all to see all of it, preferably with the sound on. The woman is amazing!

Deaf dumb blind - are you the monkey?

And that goes for people who refuses to see what's going on around them and sometimes because of them. For some it has to do with politics, for some their personal lives and actions. For some both areas. Everything has consequences, whether you like it or not. Deal with it or live with it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Nuclear probability

Probability. It can be insignificant or huge but when something happens it's simply a fact. If you're a Swede you've probably heard about the zero probability for a nuclear accident to happen in Harrisburg that changed to 100 percent when it did.

About a year ago something very unlikely happened again. Two submarines (British and French), armed with nuclear missiles, collided in the open sea. Fortunately nothing happened to the nuclear missiles on board. The question is, what if? What if something more had happened? (TT)

Saturday, January 09, 2010

The land of equal opportunity?

It is remarkable that the perception of equality or the lack of necessity of it is so wide spread after all here in Sweden. There are not many days when the papers don't write about it. Of course it is better here than in many other countries but if we don't understand our own shortages of real equality.

According to the state statistic bureau (SCB), 1/10 of personnel managers prefer not to employ women with small children, 1/2 are negative to employ a person born in another country but only one percentage are unwilling to employ a person who is younger than 30. Their ideal candidate for a job is a...I assume that you can figure that out for yourself.

Young, well educated man without children.

So are we really doing enough here? How many years are acceptable to wait for the system change to happen without support? Is it even possible? What are you going to do for all that are being discriminated until then?

Condom Pope

The pope is a funny guy. Once he said (during a visit in Africa) that "the problem can't be fixed by handing out condoms. It only makes the problem worse." According to the pope, the solution lies in "a spiritual and human awakening". (TT) I assume he means that being spiritual and having a human awakening "automatically" will make people stop having sex, being faithful, only having sex with one person in your entire life. As the atheist I am, I think the probablilty that there is a God is greater than the chances of people actually doing those things in all cases.