Monday, November 12, 2007

Pensions & ethical saving

I know it is a boring question that few even want to think about and I am one of them. Although, the question will always remain. Where should you save you future pension money? Very soon I have to make a decision about the money for my pension that the company I worked for earlier this year have, should end up. I know only one thing and it is also something I think YOU, the reader should think about. Saving money for you pension isn't just to put the money somewhere and everything is fine. There are loads of money invested in the WEAPON INDUSTRY and the TOBACCO INDUSTRY and probably other non-ethical companies that I can't think of right now. In other words, many of us SUPPORT these kind of industries without even thinking about it or knowing about it!

I just want to make you think if that is something you want to do with YOUR money? You can make an active choice to avoid industries that contributes to many, many problem in the world and even chose to make sure that your money are invested in places that don't do this and even support things that work FOR a better world.

I haven't decided yet exactly where to start saving but one option is this below. I just have to take a closer look at my options and look at the pros and cons but I know that I won't chose a non-ethical one. I try my best to not being a hypocrite.

"Banco samarbetar med drygt 104 olika ideella organisationer och har fram till 2006 förmedlat ca 636 miljoner kronor till välgörande ändamål.

En ideell fond kännetecknas av att den varje år ger en utdelning till stöd för olika former av ideell verksamhet. De kunder som sparar i ideella fonder använder en del av sitt kapital till att stödja en ideell hjälporganisation som de själva valt, t ex Röda Korset, Rädda Barnen, Amnesty eller någon annan.

Du kan själv välja att låta en viss procent av ditt sparande placeras i någon av våra ideella fonder. Sedan väljer du den organisation som du vill ge ditt stöd; Amnesty, Ecpat, Rädda Barnen eller någon annan av de 100 ideella organisationer vi samarbetar med - välj var ditt hjärta ligger."

I have also seen that KPA don't invest in the weapon industry. Beside this I don't know anything. I just want you to be aware of the fact that your money could go to companies who's weapon's might be killing innocent people around the world.

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