Have you ever felt abandoned by a book? I feel kind of abandoned every time I finish reading a book. It leaves this void behind because I've been in it's world, followed the story, the thoughts of the author and felt the story. And then nothing. It kicks me out and leave a sense of wanting more. All I can do is to get up from my bed or chair and do something else, in this case blogging about the feeling. Still missing the world I just visited.
I know people who never read and/or don't like/want to. In a way it makes me sad because I feel that the miss out on such adventures both when it comes to the stories told and the thoughts the books creates in your mind. Sometimes you might have thoughts but they are rather transparent and you don't seem to be able to put words to them. All the sudden you can read a single line in a book and feel like something is saying it for you or simply reminding you of something obvious as well as it might have been hidden from you. Imagine how many people miss out on that!

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