Saturday, November 17, 2007


I am sorry but sometimes I find interesting things in Swedish and I can't translate everything even if I'd like to. I know by experience how frustrating it can be when not understanding what is said but...

This is a reply to a conservative person who argues that straight marriges => happy children etc. and that it therefor should only exist such marriages, referring to an unnamed study. Björn Fridén who wrote this argues in different ways that there are serious question to be asked concerning this.

There is a line saying this, which I find a bit amusing: "Det finns också studier som visar att kvinnor mår bättre och lever längre om mannen de lever med är mycket yngre än dem själva, är det skäl att lägga sig i ålderskillnaderna medelst lagstiftning?" = "There are also studies that show that women feel better and live longer if the man they are living with is much younger than themselves, is that a reason to interfer in the age differences by means of legislation?"

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