Great! I like hearing good news for my friends. S just got the job he wanted in Stockholm and that also means that his and his wife's life is going to be a little easier. :-) I just hope that the cost for transport won't be overwhelming.
You see. It feels like the world is talking about the climate change and how everybody has to contribute to the use of less energy and pollute less. My friend did his math and came to the conclusion that the cost for taking the car to work every day (he lives about an hour outside Stockholm) is just a little more than taking public transportation! How on earth can it be allowed (if nothing else, concerning the conscience) to not do more to make it an direct win-situation for the individual to take public transportation which is so much better for the environment? A lot more people would probably take the train and the company would make more money.
My friend calculated that for him to take the public transportation to work would cost him about 3200 SEK (343 EURO) per month. Fortunately you can deduct the amount that exceeds 7000 SEK (750 EURO) every year for the transport cost to and from work. Still, what incentives do people have to take the train than the car?
I guess that it as usual is about prioritising.....
And who does that?

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