Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Why I "refuse" to support "Rosa bandet"

"Rosa bandet" (Pink ribbon) is a reoccurring charity event here in Sweden. It is to raise money to find a cure against breast cancer. So far so good. A good cause of course. There are many suffering because if their or others breast cancer. Still I have no urge what so ever to give any money to that cause. They raised 56 million SEK (=6 003 752,35 EURO).

What is my problem then? It is that it is so easy to give to such a neutral cause. There is not a soul anywhere that would think it is a BAD cause, that there are reason not to give money. I can't help feel that giving money to cancer research is a rather easy way to make you feel better. Not needing to think for more than 5 seconds, that is, how much money do I have in my wallet right now and can I afford to give those crowns by making one or two phone calls. No actual feelings (except for those who personally has been affected of course), no need for them. No thinking. No anger (pointing finger at a disease is rather difficult). No reasoning. No miles to conquer in your mind.

How can people give so much money to cancer but doing everything to avoid signing a free card, giving a few crowns (1 SEK = 0,11 EURO) taking another direction from point a to point b to avoid having to talk to a person, getting any piece of information, anything that would remind you of something else but the coffee you are about to have in that coffee shop with your friend and not to forget, the new pair of Levi's you just bought for about 70 EURO?

Again. What is my problem then? Lift your eyes and see MORE things, don't be so narrow minded, dare realizing that there is more. It won't go away just because you shut your eyes. I know, everybody can't care about everything...but so many people are talking about the potentials of people, show it that you have the potential to see more than one extremely non-controversial thing (in the sense that it need any thought about consequences), if you dare!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Not for kids :-)

This might be a little dirty for some :-)
Notice the pixels.

October Road

"Apparently The Worst Rap of All Time. (NYC 777 Chronicles)"

Haha...this sucks :-D


That is what I am. Very. Heavy eyelids. Some new clothes. Longing for my bed. Toothbrush. Now.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Roma's reality

Because you didn't think their problems where over or that they don't excist here?!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

(Almost) killing innocent people, it's a fact

Some more steeling. This is about three men that all had been wrongfully convicted for murder they didn't commit (one for a person who wasn't even dead) and sentenced to death but later released. They recently spoke at the UN.

"Edward Edmary
Mpagi från Uganda tillbringade 18 år i dödscell. Han dömdes till döden år 1981 anklagad för att ha mördat en man som senare befanns vara i livet!

- Det är svårt att beskriva upplevelsen av att sitta i dödscell när man vet att man är oskyldig, säger Ray Krone, som är den 100:e dödsdömdefången som frigivits i USA efter att DNA-tester visat att han varit oskyldigt dömd.

Sakae Menda
greps 1949 av de japanska myndigheterna anklagad för att ha mördats två personer. Genom att använda tortyr tvingade polisen fram en falsk "bekännelse", och efter en inkorrekt rättegång förklarades Menda alltså skyldig och dömdes därför att mista livet. Vid sex tillfällen begärde Sakae Menda ny rättegång innan äntligen ställdes inför rätta igen 1983. Efter att ha suttit i dödscell i 34 år, frikände domstolen honom och han blev den förste dödsdömde japan som släpptes ur fängelset.
- Att leva med vissheten att din dödsdom kan verkställas vilken månad eller dag som helst är tortyr, säger Sakae Menda.

De tre tidigare dödsdömda männen talade nyligen på ett möte som hade arrangerats av Amnesty vid FN i New York och de uppmanande alla stater i världsorganisationen som fortfarande använder dödsstraff att upphöra med detta.Uppgifterna är hämtade ur ett pressmeddelande från Amnesty. Det går för övrigt att gratisprenumerar på dessa meddelanden på nätet."

Additional facts about the death penalty in Japan. The time before the convicted person finds out when the actual execution is going to take place is sometimes (or very often??) only a couple of hours before and their families are not notified. Executions are often made while many people are on vacation.

In my head... Zombie

"Zombie" - Cranberries

I've got lot's in my head and on my mind.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

This is my 444th blog post!

Yes, it is! Just wanted to mention that to you :-)

I'm a night person

Quotations from the article I mentioned below...

"Morgonidealet är en religion"
Men trots att B-människan finns på riktigt enligt allt tydligare vetenskapliga belägg, är normen i samhället fortfarande att den duktige och flitige stiger upp tidigt på morgonen. Camilla liknar själv morgonidealet vid en religion där det uppenbart är bättre att stå upp med tuppen än att vara effektiv och kunna arbeta bättre på kvällen istället.

Nukleus suprachiasmaticus - vår biologiska klocka
Vår dygnsrytm och därigenom vår förmåga att fungera och prestera styrs av en inre biologisk klocka - en liten del i Hypotalamus i hjärnan som heter nukleus suprachiasmaticus../Det är härifrån dygnsrytmen styrs men genetiskt sett är vi ändå olika.

Våra biologiska klockor avgör inte bara om vi tycker bäst om morgnar eller kvällar, De avgör också hur långt varje människas dygn är, eftersom vi också är olika där. Vissa, ofta de som är mer kvällspigga, har en inre klocka som är lite längre än det vanliga 24-timmarsdygnet.

- De flesta människor har en dygnsrytm på ungefär 24,18 timmar om man blir helt avskuren från dagsljus och almanacka. Men det finns studier där människor isolerats helt i grottor i flera veckor eller månader, och då finns en skillnad, en del har en 24 timmars cykel, en del har 27-28 timmars cykel, menar Maria Lennernäs som är professor i måltid och nutrition.

Konsekvenser för hälsan
Att bryta för mycket mot sin genetiska dygnsrytm, leder för de flesta till att man sover för lite och vid fel tillfällen. Manipulerar man sin dygnsrytm under en längre tid kan det få riktigt allvarliga konsekvenser för egna hälsan.

Experiment visar att en morgonmänniska som tvingas vara vaken länge har svårare att koncentrera sig och fatta beslut än en kvällsmänniska.

Skilda personligheter
Kvälls- och morgonmänniskor tycks även till viss del ha olika personlighetsdrag. Här finns inga tydliga omfattande forskningsresultat, men vissa tendenser är ändå klart märkbara.

Maria Lennernäs menar att morgonmänniskor är mer beroende av fasta vanor och rutiner. Kvällsmänniskor inte riktigt lika planerande och mer risktagande:

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

YES, I am not a freak!

I knew it!!! I have fought this problem ever since I started school I think. Is that so dad? I AM an evening/night person and always have been and it is biological! I am too tired right now to write everything I want to here right now since I woke up about 4.30 am this morning and will have to wake up about the same time tomorrow morning....but this article is about how it is scientifically proven that different people have different diurnal rhythm (dygnsrytm) and not only about what time of the day that you want to wake up/go to bed but also how many HOURS one's "24-hour period" is. For some it is 24 hours, for some longer. (that sentence is way too long but I don't care, my head is as heavy as the TV I am going to turn of now before bed) Eg. feel good and natural being awake 18 hours and then sleep for 8 hours = 26 hours! I think I am more like that, that I quite easily can be awake for more than 16 hours straight. I think so because of the chronicle turning the day/night over as soon as I don't have regular school/job that forces me to get up at a specific time everyday. It's so easy for me to do that, ask my dear parents who have seen me do that every summer when I lived at home.

Read this, if you can, it is really interesting! I think I might be a B-person.

Monday, October 15, 2007


"Tillfället får inte försummas. Ett precis
likadant besöker oss sällan två gånger."

...och de försummas ständigt. Många tillfällen till mycket som försummas men inte bara tillfällena i sig utan även vad de skulle ha kunnat ge möjlighet till. Ibland försummas det, ibland går det bara inte även om man vill men skam den som ger sig...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Christian right?

I don't understand why that is. Isn't there a Christian left? Can't people be Christian and not being and having the same opinions as the Swedish Christian Party and/or the Republicans? Of course there are Christians on the left side but honestly, how often do we hear about it in politics? Do not think that I think that religion should be part of politics, I really don't, but still, why "is" Christian right (in both senses)? Maybe the left Christians think that their believes don't have anything to do with politics (I have no idea, this is just me thinking out loud) but in a way I miss the leftish values from a Christian point of view, or is Christianity about low taxes, the free market, deregulation, private schools/health care? If nothing else to show people in general the different possibilities about how one can see and act from that view and simply to learn more.
I'd love for someone to explain to me what eg. privatisation has to do with God! And no, I am not being ironic...

My head is about to burst

There are so many things that I want to blog about that I don't know where to begin. My bundle of ideas written down by me and articles to write about is getting ridiculously large. Not to forget all the things that I haven't written down hat also are things that are going on in my head..oh man!

Soon there will be grey matter everywhere ;-)

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Today it is 300 days before the Olympics...

Can you read?

Only great minds can read this. This is weird, but interesting! This is a cool thing check it out.

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it

Press here


Quiet people makes me nervous...

Not knowing what they are thinking and what they intend to do or not do and how.

The other way of thinking about it

The site above contains several important facts and arguments why the death penalty is NOT acceptable or helpful (to anyone). It is in English and isn't hard to read. I know that there are many who spontaneously say that they are pro the death penalty but my experience say that they in fact have little fact about it and haven't thought so much about it. Being informed give you a better understanding and better arguments for what ever position you have/take. So I can just recommend you to read some. If not all, chose some topics you find more interesting.

You might learn something new...
Ignorance might be bliss but also one of the most dangerous things!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Feel this rain come tumbling down

"Tumbling Down" - Eskobar, again. I have played it here once before I think but it can't hurt being played again. Notice that the sound isn't very good nor how it is supposed to sound. They They probably manipulated it on purpose. This is for those who likes to feel the rain come tumbling down...

Some Eskobar

"Love Strikes".

I've got a soft spot for Eskobar. Often I like more rough voices but this guy has such a nice (mostly) voice and the music then...

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


No, I am not drunk and slipped on the keyboard :-) A quick how to write in Swedish: 1. the general rule is that there shouldn't be more than 3 consonants in a row. 2. It is not very common to use the letters w, y and z. This is a last name and I am impressed of how hard it is for me to pronounce it :-) ...and of course it isn't Swedish so the rules I have learnt don't apply, obviously hihi...

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The force is with you, use the PEN!

Some more (and translated) steeling:

"It is also Amnesty who these days encourage all of us to send postcards with flowers on to the military junta in Burma och demand democracy and the release of Aung San Suu Kyi. To hand over flowers to someone is namely a peace- and reconciliation gesture according to the traditions in Burma. The hope is that a "tsunami of postcard flowers" shall be poured in over the showy generals and show them that the world outside is keeping an eye on them and thus their actions.

Write to Seniorgeneral Thán Shwe, Chairman of the SPDC, Ministry of defence, Naipyudaw, Division of Mandalay, Union of Myanmar(Burma)."