I wonder if people think about how much a simple but honest compliment can do for a person's day and well being? I heard a story about a guy who during break in the lecture went and wrote in a girl's notebook that she was pretty when she smiled and that she should do it more often. The following day she came to school with her hair up in a little nicer way and wearing a little nicer clothes, smiling. The other day a good friend of mine gave me compliment that made me smile. She said that I look better and better as time goes by, that I have developed a style of my own and that she liked it. I have a weakness for bright eyes (not necessarily bluish) and it has happened several times that I have said to strangers or people I have talked to that they have very nice eyes...and yes, I got this from my mum.
It is so easy do be nice but there are a lot of people who don't seem to be thinking of it or comfortable doing so. I know a few who are really good at it but it's just a few. It is like my mum says, that here in Sweden people don't do it so much. Where she comes from people often give compliments and NO, it absolutely doesn't have to have anything to do with flirting as some seem to think.

So, you like bright eyes :) Lucky me...I happen to have a pair :)
:-) Maybe you have, but I still don't have a clue who you ARE! At least you could get yourself a nickname when writing so I don't confuse you with another "anonymous" who might write. Or? You obviously don't want to give me your real name or any other info but a nickname might work?
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