I knew it!!! I have fought this problem ever since I started school I think. Is that so dad? I AM an evening/night person and always have been and it is biological! I am too tired right now to write everything I want to here right now since I woke up about 4.30 am this morning and will have to wake up about the same time tomorrow morning....but this article is about how it is scientifically proven that different people have different diurnal rhythm (dygnsrytm) and not only about what time of the day that you want to wake up/go to bed but also how many HOURS one's "24-hour period" is. For some it is 24 hours, for some longer. (that sentence is way too long but I don't care, my head is as heavy as the TV I am going to turn of now before bed) Eg. feel good and natural being awake 18 hours and then sleep for 8 hours = 26 hours! I think I am more like that, that I quite easily can be awake for more than 16 hours straight. I think so because of the chronicle turning the day/night over as soon as I don't have regular school/job that forces me to get up at a specific time everyday. It's so easy for me to do that, ask my dear parents who have seen me do that every summer when I lived at home.
Read this, if you can, it is really interesting! I think I might be a B-person.
Read this, if you can, it is really interesting! I think I might be a B-person.

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