Saturday, May 23, 2009

"Russian History Will Be Controlled"

That is what TT writes. A new state history commission will see to that no one will "diminish the country's international prestige". Medvedev is saying that he will fight attempts to hurt the Russian interest by falsifying history. The commission has 28 members, of which only TWO are academics.

I just want to remind people not to forget about Russia. Things are from good there, still. Potentially (probably!) rewrite history by having an officially accepted state history is as the human rights activist Oleg Orlov says "a typical attribute for a totalitarian state".

Friday, May 22, 2009

"Happy happy joy joy"

I got some good news and this was sent to me by M who wrote: "Du fick mig att tänka på den här, igen.... ;-)" ("You made me think of this, again... ;-)")

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Aung San Suu Kyi

I’ve taken action for Aung San Suu Kyi who was arrested by the military junta in Burma. Call for her immediate release at

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Spring time

A moment of rest

The thought can wander a bit after a long (but fun!) weekend and 2,5 hours of sleep. Sitting on the cool floor and listening to the debate and not having anything else to shoot but my feet.

The train station

I never have been and probably never will be a person who likes to get up early in the morning. Although there are some moments, even in a trivial place and time as waiting for the train to take me to work, that are special and makes the early hour seem bearable, like this one.

Walpurgis night

Taken by F.O. in the woods. A nice evening with friends, BBQ and delicious home made buns to celebrate Walpurgis night (valborgsmässoafton).

Sunday, May 03, 2009

C C Cowboys - Imperiet

by Imperiet

Cc Cowboys

Rom byggdes inte på en dag.
Tärningen är kastad och världen ligger klar.
Det här är ett korståg tralala,
så skål mina herrar blott stjärnorna är kvar.

Vi e` fredskorpar alla,
Kalashnikov kamrater,
Coca Cola Cowboys
och pojksoldater

Hello hurray, we are the great,
we are the soldier`s of the human race.

Öst e` mest men väst e` bäst, kamrat.
Vi kommer från Metropolis men passen e` från Moskva.
Allting här e` gratis om du svär
att skyldra ditt gevär och va en basbollproletär.

Vi e` fredskorpar alla,
Kalashnikov kamrater,
Coca Cola Cowboys
och pojksoldater
Vi älskar er med vår mission,
vi älskar våran religion,
vi älskar er i vårat våld,
vi älskar vår paroll.

Hello hurray, we are the great,
we are the soldier`s of the human race.
We know it`s best for you.

Vi kommer och vi trampar på er jord.
Dom som inte e` med oss är emot.
Spela inte hjälte vår dröm den är global.
Imperiet skall segra, tralala...

Hello hurray we are the great
we are the soldier`s of the human race...
...we know it`s best for you

Friday, May 01, 2009

Job suggestion?

I doens't hurt to ask. I like to ask things (way of gaining more knowledge). Therefore I am asking if there is anyone out there who could recommend me a job to apply for? My main interest lies within the areas that I at times write about, that is human right in one way or another, to improve the human rights in one way or another, or anything that is suitable for someone with a master in political science. Main critaria is that it has something to do with what I in one way or another is talking about here on INCH, what interest just as much as it makes me furious.