The site above contains several important facts and arguments why the death penalty is NOT acceptable or helpful (to anyone). It is in English and isn't hard to read. I know that there are many who spontaneously say that they are pro the death penalty but my experience say that they in fact have little fact about it and haven't thought so much about it. Being informed give you a better understanding and better arguments for what ever position you have/take. So I can just recommend you to read some. If not all, chose some topics you find more interesting.
You might learn something new...
Ignorance might be bliss but also one of the most dangerous things!
Seems you are an active supporter of Amnesty International, right? Do you work for Amnesty International or do you "just" comply with their philosophy?
Work (activist)...for the last 5 years actively.
Do you think there is any use for the death penalty at all? Is there no crime in this world that should be punished that way? I agree that it doesn't make sense to kill someone just because he or she committed a serious crime, but still, how should we punish people? Prison? Or don't you believe in punishment at all?
I think punishment is needed unfortunately. I find your question rather strange actually but not uncommon. Of some reason I simply can't understand, many people seem to think that just because you are against murder/death penalty, you are think crimes are ok and that nobody should be punished or suggests it like you do. Because, why bring up the question in the first place? And no to your first question: I could go on and on about all the reasons there are NOT to have the death penalty but I am going to give you a simple reason that my main argument is that: either you think killing/murdering is right or you think it is wrong and I think it is wrong. So no, of course there isn't any use of it at all.
I understand that you believe in punishment of some kind at some level. We all do, I believe. My question is rather, don't you think that some crimes are that serious you should be punished harder than just be sent to prison for like 10-30 years? Besides, I've heard that oftentimes criminals in Europe are set free long before those 10-30 years in prison. Is this correct? Do you want very dangerous criminals on the streets of Sweden? I know you can answer this with a lot of "facts" and "smart words" but I'm lookin forward to hear your emotional feeling about this. I don't believe in killing people because they killed someone, but on the other hand, how should society punish someone then? You are pro-punishment and what would have been a better way of punishing in your opinion (not saying death-penalty is the best way).
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