Sunday, February 25, 2007

To do with 5 euro & time

5 euro/movie = go often. 9,50 euro/movie and less income = very sadly not go... I miss it!! Going to the movies here is really expensive. The prices for it has during the years risen much, much quicker than the prices of other things which means that the prices for going to the movie here truly are too high. And people here wonder why so many download so much?! The same thing goes for music. One principal of economics is that of supply and demand that actually got into my head (well, it seems to be the basic, this so called almighty THEORY and everything that goes with it). The demand for a certain product or service shows how much people are willing to pay for it and the supply is what the producers are willing to sell their product or service. Obviously there are not enough people that are willing to pay so much money for so little and since there is a "solution" (downloading for free) to the problem, people uses that solution. There is no practical need for people to "buy less" as with things that are ONLY possible to buy (e.g. if clothes are expensive and you can't afford it, you don't buy so many clothes and so often). So... if they would lower the prices to going to the movies, I would most certainly go more often!
Eight Below
The Constant Gardener
X-men (1, 2 el 3?)
Lord of War
Tristan & Isolde
Pink Panter
Pride and Prejudice
V for Vendetta
Mission Impossible
En Geishas memoarer
Da Vince Code
The Corpse Bride

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