I have a strange relationship to scissors. I avoid them and I keep them around me. I have one in my kitchen, two here on the desk in my bedroom and two on two different tables in my living room. In total 5, that is is one every 10 m2. What is important to notice is that they are all just for cutting paper and such things. On the other hand (haha) I hardly ever use other kinds of scissors because I see no real point using them more than a very few times a year. Better that way. Today I reminded myself why I don't like scissors :-( (but it is for a "practical" reason hmm) Well, I won't use it again for a long time!

Hej du!
Skrev du deta med tanke på vårt samtal om saxar häromdagen eller?
Kram Moema
Hahaha...ja, det och jag idag varit tvungen att använda en klipp-klipp sak eftersom jag ska på intervju imorgon. Nästa gång lovar jag att du får klipp-klippa ngt annat litegrann. En av de där väldigt få ggr/år vettu.
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