I tried to blog a little yesterday but it didn't work, but now I'm back. I have nothing special on my mind right now. I have still so much to read and now it isn't just my own problem if I don't, now I have a writing partner. I don't know who she is really, she just contacted me and said that she liked my presentation (nice :-)) and that she'd like to work with me and after have read her litle presentation she gave to me, ske felt like a good person. Even if her interests/background isn't useful in themselves in the area that we have to write about, it is nice to have some common interests, for personal reasons more than the course. Some more usefull thoughts for you is that I like to listen to Desmond David Hume (Henry Ian Cusick) when he speak in LOST ;-) Another thing. There
just HAVE to be a reason for there being two men named after famous philosophers!!! "John Locke" and "David Hume" simply can't ba a coincidence. The very first time I heard the name "Locke" and later realizing that he even had the first name "John", I realised that there has to be a point with that. Unfortunatly I can't remember very well what their main philosophic points. I could need Mike right now (my old teacher...who btw moved back to the states and by doing that ripping my old school from an excellent teacher) :-)
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