Always the same problem. It is weekend I feel like watching a movie. I go through all the channels. Either I know that I won't like the movie or more common, I have already seen it! I say to myself "seen it, seen it, uhh bad movie, seen it...". I'm not the kind of person who likes to watch a movie several times. Sometimes I see one twice, but just because I have nothing better to do. Although there are few movies that I do like to see several times but they are rare and they are usually the big movies like Matrix x3 and Lord of the Rings x3 etc. Never really understood the thing about collecting movies as many seem to like. Music is one thing because that you listen to over and over and you can enjoy it for years ahead. But movies? Näää... Just expensive. I prefere to spend my money on other things.
...ahh... money! I wish I could get an income very soon!

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