Monday, February 05, 2007


Oooh! Me liky! Shrek & Co are great. I've never been the person, or child, that watched a lot of Disney movies, you know, all the classics etc. I've seen several of course but far from all. Remember having friends that had all the movies on video. The first video anyone gave me was one or both of my parents when I 14-15 if I remember it correctly... and it was The Children of the Corn ;-))) A horror movie by Stephen King :-) What does that say about my filmatic upbringing?! hahaha... (I blame that on my mother and big brother hehe) Well, back to my more childfriendly movie, Shrek. I just saw Shrek 2. I think that the first one was a bit better but the second one was very good too. This kind av animated movies (when I comes to non real actors, cartoon/animation, doesn't matter really) is what I like. It has several layers to enjoy but most of all that they are making fun of so many other movies/artists/people , using all the classical ingredients but in the non conventional way. E.g. the most beautiful version of the princes is NOT the one looking like Barbie, or that you can't blow up a frog (making it a balloon) or Pinochio wearing pink thongs or a Donkey liking big buts. Not to forget all the great music...and DONKEY! What whould the movies be without Donkey?!?! Disasters I would say. Fairytails in the best version!
Can't remember if I've shown this before but it is good enough to be shown twice anyway so...

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