Ah, I love them! Especially when I get to chose them myself...which the last 4,5 years (except for a few months once) haven't been able to do that. I still don't really have the time to spend on reading "fun" books but I did for a hour or so today. That is relaxation. Well, I actually didn't chose this book myself, it was given to me, but I want to read it and it has many good points, of which I will talk more about another time. It is about kindness. The real kindness, not the "stupid kindness". Definitely a book I know a few people who could need to read it. Not that any of them are reading this blog anyway (have a very hard time believing that they would ever do that) so they will not get my hint anyway. I can say as much as their need to read this book about kindness and the BENEFITS of being a kind and generous person is, according to me, strongly connected to another way of thinking of benifits, a totally different kind of benifits...which is connected to a very important and today in Sweden noticed way of doing, changing things... politics. They don't get it, or so I personally think, that helping others would help themselves a lot more than only trying to help themselves as much as they do or are "planning" to do.

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