Since people blog about everything and maybe more about nothing, I thought it might be appropriate to blog about blogging for probably thousands and thousands others already have. I just got the question why I am blogging about scissors and why others are blogging about equally uninteresting things when there are som many other things that are much more important (which I laughed about!). I don't know either. Only have a theory about avoiding doing other things of different reasons. BUT if someone would HAPPEN to write about SMS, I would think that is kind of interesting since it is a reflection of todays society in some parts of the world. Isn't that also what people who's interest is the society and how it works should be doing in a way? Reflecting society since it is all connected. E.g. the extensive use of SMS (which I, btw, am very familiar with) could be seen as a sign of globalization and communication. Saying something about technology, young people's use of it and the effects that might have, but not to forget about older people's use of SMS, e.g. how impossible it seems to be able to learn how to write fast using the T9. It also have an effect on the way we write and out ability to do it in a correct way. Shorter, new words, the use of smileys...wrong spellings etc.
Btw, I should start combining the two, blogging + SMS...or more like MMS. If I only could have the patience to read the intructions how to do it. Aaaand, not to forget, the most important thing, the PHOTOGRAPHING which is the main point of combining the two, or three things.
One last thing. A personal reason that I like to blog, sometimes about absolutely uninteresting things for others, is so I won't have to disturbe my friends and family with as many thoughts and outbursts about everything and nothing all the time, as I used to. As some might have noticed, there are fewer emails from me nowadays. Now people can CHOOSE if they want to read what I have to say...or should I say, I don't have to think about how much people IGNORE me since they now don't read the texts here instead of throwing my emails away (unread). So, as I have said before. This is where I unload my crowded head.. maybe right out into the blue but at least I do get to unload. It can also be seen as a kind of diary of course. It takes to much time to write things down in a paper diary, I don't have the patience nor the time to do that. I have tried.
Ps. There is a ridiculous large amount of cats when you google for pics about blogging. I don't get it...
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