I don't have much music at all compared to some others but I still wonder why on earth I have some songs...
An info junkie's random thoughts but never random opinions about politics, human rights, music, life and everything in between.
I love Ice Age, just as I love Shrek! I was never a cartoon freak when I was little but nowadays I really enjoy this kind of cartoons/animated movies. Although not all of them are as well made. Monsters Inc is quite good too.
If my memory isn't letting me down... I play this for my growing sweetie! Tjohoooo! En massa vuxenpoäng får här sig en släng av animerad video :-) Vassego!
Fatman Scoop - "Be faithful"
I just want to say that I hope that everyone who are sneezing and have sore throats get well soon. Take it easy, don't work (to hard at least), have soft sneeze paper* in stock and drink hot tea or chocolate and eat healthy stuff :-) Krya på er...
* yes, my own word. I am the sneeze queen!
And something to cheer you up!
I like Peps! Who doesn't?! :-)
* lagerarbetare
** skolavslutningar
Apesar de você with Chico Buarque. Never mind the video, I am only after the song, which I like very much! A song I have listen to many times while growing up.
And now the much hated frase... "I told you so!"
Guess that there are not many people scratching his back...
* Using the word "solidarity" instead of "voluntary" is to emphasize the meaning that he put into the word but also that he used that specific word in Swedish.
Solidarity = willing to help and support other people.
Voluntary = out of free will.