Believe it or not but I have felt and still feel a little empty in my head and that is the reason of my less reflective posts lately. I can think of small comments on different things that I can share with you this very moment. One thing is that concerning my last post about Sweden, I am NOT a very patriotic person at all so the flag and the info is not to show how much I love my country. I am proud of certain things that I think we have been able to build up during a long time that is good for a lot of people, but those things all countries have. One worldvise person I spoke to not long ago called Swedes for "peace injured". Some things we have been able to achieve is thanks to the long period av peace but it has also had the effect on us that we sometimes have problems understanding other people's sentiments, e.g. why they keep fighting about things that for us seem "silly". It is all about perspective. I admit that when I think about it, I am probably one of these Swedes. I have never really understood the thing about extrem prestige that seem to be involved in many cases that lead to violence. I feel that it is never worth it if it is hurting people and prestige often seem to cause that. That is my perspective.

Conclusion. Of course I like my country, I am born and raised here and have in general the same way of thinking as other Swedes, the same mentality. I don't know how it would be possible NOT to feel like that, just as you probably feel the same thing about you country wherever you are from. All I know is that I probably feel it a little less than at least some of you... You know what, that is actually also kind of Swedish :-) Whenever I have been abroad I have learned to appreciate more things about Sweden, but never have I until this day felt warm and fuzzy or heated inside thinking of Sweden. The more different people there are here, the more fun I think! Difference is good.
Another thing I'd like to share is the feeling when someone appreciate what you do for them, even if it is just a small thing really! Helping out when needed, saying when you are happy for them or just listening when they are feeling blue. It doesn't cost anything to just put a couple of more minutes to make a difference for someone or making something a bit more special. Sure, I love to get things and have it nice and easy but how great isn't it to do something for someone else every now and then?! I just always feel that I wish I could do more. What you get back gives you such a good feeling. Well, hearing the word "amazing" just made me smile!
I will just like to finish by saying that I truly hope that whatever your problems, you tasks and you life might be at the moment will turn out fine! Including getting to pet the tiny kittens running around in a garden :-) I know that so many of you are busy with all kinds of things that you have to do. It might be stressful right now but your efforts now will show later, as my mother always says when she comforts me, you get what you give even if it sometimes takes a while to see the whole picture.
Kisses to all of you that I hold dear!
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