Of course I don't see (nor seek) all the facts exactly about what is done to prevent crimes in general (on individual level) and to prevent wars, genocides etc. There is of course more done that I know about, still I wonder what is being done, are they doing all they can? Who are "they"? Politicians making decisions concerning social conditions (as is proven over and over and over and over again, bad social conditions lead much more often to criminal behaviour among those who lives under these conditions than among those who has "everything") in their own country, foreign aid in different ways, trade with other countries that put them in a weaker spot (short and longterm) etc. I am also talking about they who tell the represents from countries all over the world to the UN (and there are LOTS of departments there) what to say and do there. Blocking each others decisions while innocent people are dying while they are talking and fighting. I am a person who prefers when as many as possible agree on a decision and maybe even concensus when possible, but NOTHING should ever stand in the way of helping those who really need it and vetos in certain questions are simply cruel and disgusting,
as well as some principals based on "but the companies needs the money to invest for the future" (by that saying we do not care for those who are in need right now). Sometimes you are just not on time and you see the concequences of your actions or lack of actions but what you do then is to take the proper action and that FAST. Not even that happens all the time. What people don't realize is that short term decisions affect the long term consequences and vise versa! If you sacrifice some people now, they or their children or grand children will come back to bite your XXX, and if you never think of the future, well...maybe the environment will be as inviting as the one high above Zion or someone will simply go and fly a plane into a buiking or two. It is all connected. It is not possible to prevent everything but there are so many things to do to minimize the consequences (loss of lives, money, environment) and it is so much cheaper...and by the way, the best way to deter people from commiting crimes is take away the reason to do it in the first place, not putting them in the crime school. Working towards the best solutions for everybody else is the best solution for you too!

What goes around comes around...
1 comment:
Nice post. Enjoyed reading your blog.
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