I was reading and comparing countries a little:
..and it says: Country name: conventional longform: Kingdom of Sweden.
It is true, Sweden is a constitutional monarchy we have a royal family but it feels strange using the name Kingdom... as if that permeate* our society and that we feel and think of Carl XVI Gustav's as our leader or something. He and his family is quite popular, why I don't really understand. Here in Sweden we only hear about them from time to time, mostly in the tabloids (talking about the oldest princess' relationsships, the younger princess' low cut dresses at the Nobel party or her ex that is a criminal etc.) but people like what they like. The symbol for Sweden. Personally I don't think any person should inherit the power over a country, or any position. On our coins it says "För Sverige i tiden" = For Sweden in time (more or less) but having a royal family is so out of date. I believe in earning positions of any kind. Btw I feel very Swedish without a waving and cutting family.

Unfortunatly this article is in Swedish, it is so good and so sharp, written by Lena Sundström last year:
"Ta hela det här märkliga fenomenet med människor som har som sitt jobb att sätta på sig lustiga hattar, klippa band och avla fram avkommor till oss, avkommor som sedan i sin tur ska sätta på sig lustiga hattar, klippa band och avla fram ännu fler avkommor till oss, som sedan i sin tur ska … ja, ni fattar vad jag menar. Först går vi till Skansen och ser om vi kan få en skymt av uttrarna och björnarna, och sedan tar vi bussen till Slottet och ser om vi kan få en skymt av kungafamiljen. Har vi tur visar de sig med sina nya ungar. Det brukar de göra så här års."
"Take this strange fenomena with people who's work is to put on funny hats, cut ribbons and breed offsprings for us, offsprings who then has to put on funny hats, cut ribbons and breed even more offspring, who then...well, you get the point. First we go to Skansen [a zoo] to see if we can get a glimpse of the otters and bears, and then we take the bus to the Castle and see of we can get a glimpse of the royal family. If we are lucky they will show up with their new youngs. They usually this time of year."
She ends her article by saying:
"Låta kungen få uttrycka en politisk åsikt innan han dör, låta Victoria få gifta sig med vem hon vill och låta kungafamiljen gå ur Sverige i tiden."
"Let the king express a political view before he dies, let Victoria marry whoever she wants and let the royal family go out of Sweden in time. "
What is nice though is that one of the most "Swedish" things according to many here is the royal family but queen Silvia is half German (if I am not misstaken) and her mother Brazilian...so the Swedish royal family is not so Swedish after all. I just wish more Swedes could be as welcoming to other immigrants as they are to her and her children!
The royal website:
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