Saturday, December 23, 2006

Poker face

A while ago I was asked if I wanted to play some poker. I declined mainly because I am not really intersted in poker and definitely not very good at it. The closest I get to it is watching Celebrity Poker Showdown on TV when actors etc. that I like in some way are playing. Another reason is that I don't have a poker face. Those who know me know that I am easy to read, if I am happy, sad or angry...or if I don't like somebody.

Of no special reason at all I here play Titiyo's Come Along (2001), just that I have always liked it. She's Swedish btw. Sweden is the third biggest exporting country after USA and England.

1 comment:

BionicBuddha said...

Thanks for sharing...very good images, video and commentary. I do not think you are evil as your name would suggest ;)