If you have been reading my blog before you know that I have a tendency to put some of my frustration in my posts here at INCH and this is another one. So, if you don't want to read about my frustration, just listen to Ray Charles and enjoy :-)
I just don't understand some people! Whether there is a God or not, or whether the earth was created in less than a week of it took billions of years... those are tiny, tiny questions comparing to the huge mystery of understanding some people! Incredible! ...and it sure as ¤&% dosen't matter what part of earth they are from. I am soon going to question my intelligence, I thought I had more. Either I am less intelligent than most people because I don't understand them, or, I am more intelligent than most people because they don't understand simple things. Which would actually be the worst thing for me to say, that I am an idiot or that I am too intelligent?!
Since I am blogging again I might just as well give you some more youtube as promised. This is Ray Charles and his nice "Hit the Road Jack" that cheared me up now at this time at night...heard it on the radio, Vaken of course but this time Vaken with Kajsa :-)
1 comment:
I think we share some attitudes about philosophy and life and I just wanted to let you know that was the case. It's always nice to know someone shares (at least some of) your point of view. My blog is philosophyandblues.blogspot.com.
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