An info junkie's random thoughts but never random opinions about politics, human rights, music, life and everything in between.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Sweden on top
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"Boa Sorte / Good Luck"
Vanessa da Mata & Ben Harper
Never heard of her (nor him) before but when I heard this song I just liked it a lot from the very beginning...then I couldn't stop listening to it.
É só isso
Não tem mais jeito
Acabou, boa sorte
Não tenho o que dizer
São só palavras
E o que eu sinto
Não mudará
Tudo o que quer me dar
É demais
É pesado
Não há paz
Tudo o que quer de mim
That’s it
There is no way
It over, Good luck
I have nothing left to say
It’s only words
And what I feel
Won’t change
Tudo o que quer me dar / Everything you want to give me
É demais / It´s too much
É pesado/ It’s heavy
Não há paz / There is no peace
Tudo o que quer de mim / All you want from me
Irreais / Isn´t real
Expectativas / Expectations
Mesmo, se segure
Quero que se cure
Dessa pessoa
Que o aconselha
Há um desencontro
Veja por esse ponto
Há tantas pessoas especiais
Now even if you hold yourself
I want you to get cured
From this person
Who poisoned you
There is a disconnection
See through this point of view
There are so many special people in the world
So many special people in the world
In the world
All you want
All you want
Now were Falling into the night
Um bom encontro é de dois
The magic world of books

Monday, November 26, 2007
Mahnamahna, a classic
Something to cheer me up. I just love this, it is as wonderful as it is pink.
No more organ harvesting?

Sunday, November 25, 2007
"Don't Hate On Me"
by Vincent. I have liked this song since the first time I heard it. It a song that I've had on my short repeat list on my mobile, the list of songs that I especially like. Lyrics.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Not in Swedish stores
Girl or a guy?
"Sound and Fury"
"SOUND AND FURY documents one family's struggle over whether or not to provide two deaf children with cochlear implants, devices that can stimulate hearing."
"SOUND AND FURY was a 2001 Academy Award nominee for Best Documentary Feature."
...and I can see why.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
The way I am...a hamster
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
A smile in traffic
Another youtube thing to watch if you want to smile. People have nice ideas sometimes... You'll see.
Wishing list
Skohylla (den vita!)
Klädhylla (den vita!)
Tekopp (stooor, med öron & snygg)
Öronmuffar (svarta)
Hårpinnar (annorlunda)
Fjärrkontroll till TV
Bättre högtalare till datorn
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Why the liberals are on the wrong track about schools
Sändningstider Dokument inifrån: Syndabockarna
Skolminister Jan Björklund tycker att han har bevis för att det krävs hårdare tag i skolan. Men hur skärper man straffet för ett barn som redan fått det strängaste straffet?
Mazen, som har jobbat i skolan, säger att skolan inte kan disciplinera de stökiga barnen genom att sätta hårt mot hårt.
Lärarna kan ändå aldrig matcha föräldrarnas straff och det leder till att barnen lyder hemma, men struntar i vad lärarna säger i skolan, säger han.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
There is a line saying this, which I find a bit amusing: "Det finns också studier som visar att kvinnor mår bättre och lever längre om mannen de lever med är mycket yngre än dem själva, är det skäl att lägga sig i ålderskillnaderna medelst lagstiftning?" = "There are also studies that show that women feel better and live longer if the man they are living with is much younger than themselves, is that a reason to interfer in the age differences by means of legislation?"
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Laughter! Thinking about...


To Stockholm
And who does that?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Drunk Holmes?
Monday, November 12, 2007
Gay weddings in Swedish churches
Pensions & ethical saving

I just want to make you think if that is something you want to do with YOUR money? You can make an active choice to avoid industries that contributes to many, many problem in the world and even chose to make sure that your money are invested in places that don't do this and even support things that work FOR a better world.
En ideell fond kännetecknas av att den varje år ger en utdelning till stöd för olika former av ideell verksamhet. De kunder som sparar i ideella fonder använder en del av sitt kapital till att stödja en ideell hjälporganisation som de själva valt, t ex Röda Korset, Rädda Barnen, Amnesty eller någon annan.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Opinions about helporganizations

Summarize: "Women, highly educated people and people with high salaries are more positive than others to non-profit helporganizations. The biggest differences are bewteen the age groups, there the young people are a lot more positive (age 16-29) and the older the people are, the more negative they get. Both young guys and

DAD! It's YOUR day!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Frustrating conversation ;-)
- 5!
- 5 %!
* Ahaaaaa...Why didn't you just say so?
- I did.
* Obviously not, I wouldn't have asked "5 % of what?" if I had.
Isn't it "fun" when you get into conversations where someone doesn't hear something or doesn't understand the sentence and when the other person is trying to explain, he or she totally misses to repeat the main point of that specific part of the conversation? Instead he/she repeats the detail that is hanging free from the rest of the discussion and is clear as a day but without a real meaning.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Hey you...
The hug is on the news
This is obviously huge, the hugging thing. That's cool :-)
Feeling down? HUGS!!!!
You just HAVE to see this! If you are not smiling after seeing this, I don't know what kind of person you are. So if you are not feeling very joyful at the moment, you most definitely show check this out. :-D
I want one too!
Less compensation --> more jobs?!
That the uneven income distribution become larger is something that I intuitively can understand, it is even the explicit point, but not the prior situation.
Public exposure? Go to Olofsson/Vero Moda
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Why not torture?
1. Många som drabbas av tortyr är helt oskyldiga. De kan ha utsatts för en falsk angivelse eller de har bara råkat befinna sig på fel plats vid fel tidpunkt.
2. Tortyr ger skador som kan vara hela livet. Även sedan de fysiska skadorna har läkts kvarstår mentala skador som bara kan lindras genom omfattande behandling. För de flesta drabbade finns ingen sådan behandling att tillgå.
3. Tortyr framtvingar ofta falsk information och leder till felaktiga gripanden. I USA har det nu börjat komma fram att erfarna högre militärer och tidigare anställda inom CIA och FBI är djupt oroade över Bush-administrationens inställning till information som tagits fram genom tortyr (eller med metoder som nu kallas något annat men som enligt sedan länge gällande normer definieras som tortyr). Även Danmarks statsminister har förklarat att han inte ser något hinder för att använda information som framkommit under tortyr förutsatt att tortyren inte skett i Danmark. Men personer som är verkligt sakkunniga inom det här området betecknar bekännelser och angivelser som framkommit under tortyr som rotten information.
4. Förekomsten av tortyr skärper redan existerande motsättningar i samhället. Vem som helst bör väl kunna föreställa sig hur vi skulle reagera om någon nära anhörig hade torterats.
5. För att dölja grov tortyr är det i många länder vanligt att de ansvariga tillgriper tortyr till döds även av oskyldiga, som annars skulle kunna vittna om vad de har utsatts för, och av vilka. Här är fallet Dagmar Hagelin ett känt exempel hon greps på grund av en förväxling, men efter förhören var hon så illa tilltygad att hon inte kunde visas upp.
Hayden and her dolphins
Hayden has courage

She's in "Heroes".
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
Having soul peace
Baby smoker
Politics you wonder? Yes, information...there is obviously not enough.
Boots & weird advices
This is not from my boots but it is close to what I consider an almost perfect heel (for a more everyday shoe).
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Eleanora cockatoo & BSB