Sunday, October 15, 2006

Nobel arbetslöshet & girls

Jag säger varken bu eller bä. Fick den här länken och tänkte att artikeln kan vara intressant att läsa, informativ och inte speciellt lång, och information kan man aldrig få för mkt av.

It's really nice to hear that my best friend has a good time in Spain, as glad for that as I am jealous ;-) I like it when things seem to turn out as one wish for, especially when the person is named Ywonne...and not to forget the one and only Simon who is kind of attached to her :-) BUT, they are TWO distinct persons even though they are a couple. Once she told me that too many see them as one just because they are a couple, so remember that folks, don't do that, it´s not always appreciated! By the way, the girltalk is better without a guy present, it's kind of a condition for it being a girltalk...

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