Monday, October 16, 2006

Mamma Mia what a wonderful country

Sorry for all the Swedish articles...but they are the ones I usually read of obvious reasons (including me not putting enough effort to make sure that I do not only that + lack of time). This one is about the pros and cons about Sweden, on the one hand people complain of the high taxes and the bad weather, and on the other hand we miss the food and maybe even some institutions (eg. Systembolaget (which is the only place you can buy alcohol except for light beer), the Pharmacy), and partly depending were in the world you are. The articla is hardly politically neutral, but what can one expect from newspapers in a country where there is no political balance what so ever. To bad that not enough people realise that diversity is good, how could one otherwise make well balanced choices? I'm just glad that the journalists are not all on the same pages.

Back to the article. It asks some interesting questions about Sweden and put forwards the pros and cons. What does Sweden stand for abroad?

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