Some more KoRn for you or at least for me. Alone I Break... Many think that this kind of music has no melody but I couldn't dissagree more. I would actually say that many metal music has nicer melodies, more melodic melidies than many popular songs played on the radio. I am convinced it has a lot to do with the willingness to actually listen and not dismiss all metal immediately just because it doesn't sound like the music you are used to and some even because the artists have "funny haircuts" and often long (isn't that awfully like the criticism against Beatles...?) or wear "strange" clothes. Not that everyone has to like it but at least give it a few chances, just like I and many with me have to while listening to music in other peoples company. With friends, at discos, restaurants, gym everywhere where music is played not the least from the radio. Actually I often feel forced to listen to music I don't like or even can stand more than one minute but that's life. There are just a couple of people that I can listen to more or less the same music with but I don't spend that much time with them. The rest of the time I just have to accept a lot of really bad and cheesy music without soul and real energy (late Madonna, 50 Cent, Agnes etc.). If you have listen to any other music here at INCH, you'll know that metal hardly is the only genre I listen to or appreciate. So no, I am all but snowed in on heavy music. Take a look at my favorite music in my profile.
Yes, funny looking guys are going to ruin the minds of the young...as they always have.
So here you have KoRn with "Alone I Break".
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