Monday, January 08, 2007

SLEEP beep beep

Problem. I am done for tonight. "Already" actually (yea yea, I know that most of you think it is VERY late but it isn't for me these days. I sleep just as much as any of you I just go to bed later than you. My problem is that I am not tired. I know that I will mostly just lay in bed trying to fall asleep but feeling quite awake. I wish I had that same switch as a specific person in my family has. Sit/lay down --> sleeeep. For me it just means to sit or lay down. Just because I am not very sleepy it doen't mean that I am very bright and have funny tjings to write at almost 4.30 AM. So, bed, here I come! Tired, not sleepy, headache but without cure (no pill that is).

Maybe if I was a little smaller and fluffier I would also fall asleep. I have enough hair but it isn't as spread out nor fluffy. I think I lack the necessary dream fluff to sleep!

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