These politicians...or should I say some of them. *sigh* Now they are proposing to forbid the use of any language that is not Swedish in the class room in schools in Malmö (third biggest city)! Yeah right, it helps children with a foreign background to learn Swedish by not being able ta speak their own language! In countless surveys there has been proven that good knowledge in the mother tongue is very important in learning new/other languages. Folkpartiet (The Liberal Party of Sweden (liberal in Sweden = rightwing)) has got stuck in their freaking "SPEAK SWEDISH OR YOU'R OUUUUUT!-politics". Of course one should learn Swedish if you live in
Sweden, I couldn't agree more, but it has to be under the right circumstances and with the right tools. Forbidding things has rarely led to anything good (unless it has to do with dangerous things). As I said to myself and in the radio last night, only incompetent politicians would forbid the use of a language to promote another one instead of using positive incentives and smart solutions. Out with the carrot and in with the whip! Swisch... Again and again the Liberals suggest things that clearly flirt with the racist currents*! I don't know what is worst, that they do or that people keep VOTING FOR THEM? 
In Swedish about the proposal:
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