Salesmen salesmen salesmen... I get crazy! I don't want to become a ...... saleswoman!! I don't want to. It sucks! Been there, done that, don't want to try it again. Living in a country where service in different ways is the future is not always good. It means that many (most?) of the job ads are about service, in this case about selling stuff. It's just not me. Being criticized for what feels like two hours straight after just being nice, polite and doing my job, doing my part of what is expected by people in working age, wears at least me out. Being lied at, recieving rude comments etc. (not all of course, but still quite a few!). I prefere cleaning. It is actually better, even if there are some people that think they can treat cleaners as they want to just because they happen to by higher up in the food chain. It can actually be quite good to try it out even if is no fun job at all as I see it. Some people only see the clothers you are wearing with the logotype of the cleaning company and the broom, not the actual person who sometimes or maybe even relatively often has a really good, respectable and high education. It is hard work! Often lonely and of course dirty. Being supposed to be rather quiet or even "invisible". The well known fact that it is mostly women and not the least foreign women who works as cleaners...and that I experienced it with my own eyes. Some obviously think they are too good for such jobs just because they are of the noble, fair haired breed...

1 comment:
sounds familiar...i also rejected marketing, mannagement and economics, because it was against me to sell things and myself, so i my choise was physics;) it is much harder to get financial and social success in LT being physicist, but i wont sell myself... E=mc^2 :D
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