Ps. K-Å, se till att ML.... tittar på den!
An info junkie's random thoughts but never random opinions about politics, human rights, music, life and everything in between.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Don't worry, be happy!
Ps. K-Å, se till att ML.... tittar på den!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Parking Link
I'm on a role (is it written like that?) tonight. Here is the great Linkin Park. This is a bit weird videos, actually a mit of old ones but I am not putting it here because of the video. Am only interested in the song(s). They are quite easy to listen to, even for those with sensitive ears. Got my Hybrid Theory on a birthday several years ago. From my brother of course! I am not sure but I think his friend with very good music taste, C Palm, had told him that it is a god CD. He does that sometimes. He keeps track of new and good music. I've only met him once really. Here in the city I live in even, but that was about 7 years ago. Then once very quickly maybe a couple of years ago. Hooray for brothers and Norwegians :-)
Yes, I am in a babbling mood today.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Pride and Prejudice, 2005
The City
Most of this is quite boring but there are a few of those places that I recognize. The Victoria Theater I think I've visited once. It was quite nice. The outside of the cathederal is a sight I sure recognize too. I've been inside once when the incompetent people that were in charge of the my friends and my stay there arranged a guided tour around the city center, after several months. That not very good guided tour that day was pretty much everything they did for us... I NEVER liked Letticia which was one of the high hens) It was in the middle of the center. In the end they show the Arms Square which is also right in the middle. There you see a little what it looked like. In the square they often had small markets and to the right somewhere they have I Sears store if I'm not misstaking. It was one very boring store (and the first and only Sears I've been to). I liked the square though... In some of the corners they hade nice cafés, nice ice cream and REAL nacho plates, not that very weird thing they serve here in Sweden.
Indian shake
Hahaha... I put this video under funny and music, but I don't which one is the most correct ;-) I have a feeling that it is supposed to be a "serious" video but I simply can't see it as serious. I also have a feeling that the subtitles are NOT correct, but what do I know. Nothing. If anyone who sees this, he or she is very welcome to shortly explain what the song is about.
Long night

As my sister says, that I am up very late at night. The time gives me away. As if I actually care that people think I go to bed too late. Well, when they give me good reasons not going to bed so late, I might go to bed earlier. Since I usually don't have many things that I have to do at a certain time, why go up earlier just to adjust to people that won't see me at that time anyway since I spend most of my time by myself anyway. It's not like I have anyone to spend time with in a normal way in a day-to-day way. Last time that it was, at least almost like that, was when I studied human rights, I think, since we had classes almost everyday and often 2x2 hours. Btw, I wonder what that Mia is doing nowadays...and her husband who probably is one of the best looking guys I think I've ever meet. Too bad those two meeting only lasted for a total of 5 minutes probably. Maybe I should try to find another guy from Gambia to marry? Hahaha! Well, he has 11 siblings so he ought to have at least a few nice brothers. Hmm, if I remember correctly none of them live in Sweden.
So, what am I doing? Well, none of the things I ought to, sleep or write the stupid pages. I am sitting here blogging instead. I just finished wathing a movie that I've already seen. Not a very good movie but it was ok. Why? Hmm.. I wonder :-)
See, I am tired not sleepy but one thing is for sure. My brain isn't very creative when it comes to writing about interesting and relevant things. Ok, ok. I give up. I'll try to read the chapter called "Leadership and development of leading competence". Sounds fun huh? Right.
AM Incubus, or morning demon hehe

Sunday, January 28, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
This is not really my style but the song is OK, not good but OK. I listened to it so many times last year. Mostly I had music channels on TV, hence few options. One thing is sure though, the song is much better than the movie. One day I was so bored, didn't have anything to do and the Pink Panter was the only movie at that time that I hadn't seen yet so the options were slim. I knew before I bought the ticket that it isn't really what I like and I was very right, I almost feel ashamed having payed money to see such a bad movie. Eg. I think that Pride and Prejucide is MUCH more FUN!!!
Respected or disrespected occupations?

Baby laugh
Wasn't life so much EASIER and FUN when being a baby or at least very young?! This is a very happy little boy (and dad for that matter)!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
I love tea
Monday, January 22, 2007
På tal om orange...JAG VILL HA EN T-SHIRT!!!
Speaking of orange... I WANT AN ORANGE T-SHIRT!!!
*gimme gimme gimme a tshirt after midnight...* *humming loudly*
Sunday, January 21, 2007
"Where are you from?"
Kiss Gene


Saturday, January 20, 2007
I must say that Damien is NOT a good name in my ears...hehe. My mother let me watch to scary movies when I was little ;-) Some things just get stuck in my head.
Damien Marley ft. Nas "Road to Zion"
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Red Flag
Honestly I haven't really listened to the lyrics of this song but I should. The reason I put it here is that I love the sound. It is something in the way they combine the singing and the music that I really like. If had more music knolwedge I might have been able to descirbe or even name exactly what it is that I like. The singer's voice isn't what I usually like, it is not so deep, but it really works here.
I have no idea who they are, never heard them before. I just stumbled upon it while searching for something else. Stumbling might sometimes hurt but often gives you something else and good in return. When it comes to music I think that many people are too focused to only listen to the music they are used to. There are so many groups and artists but also genres outhere that you might not even know they exist. Suddenly you hear them and you see a timy light :-) Sometimes it is just that single song and sometimes it is a whole group discovery.
Billy Talent - "Red Flag"
Fäääärdi! (I'm doooooone)
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Bad girl, Natasja!
Chaka Demus & Pliers...TEASE ME! Tihiii...
Sunday, January 14, 2007

Storm swisch swisch
Click on Simpsons
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Mental Ice Age
Ebba Grön's Mental istid.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Creepiest man on earth
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Hey Yeaaah
Tjohoooooo :-D It's in, it's over, it's done. Turned it in on time and I am just relaxing today after haven't slept. Final opposition awaits.
Hey Ya with Outcast...
Inevitable return of the cold pizza
Monday, January 08, 2007
SLEEP beep beep
Maybe if I was a little smaller and fluffier I would also fall asleep. I have enough hair but it isn't as spread out nor fluffy. I think I lack the necessary dream fluff to sleep!
Slip of finger?!
"Räetteölse" hihi. Worthy of a song that I KNOW the slippry finger person like (and me too of course!). Now he can sit and learn the lyrics a little better ;-) For you KÅ alså called D: Hello Dolly with The Armstrong!
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Open ear, not air

"In Western medival legent, an incubus (plural incubi) is a demon in male form supposed to lie upon sleepers, especially women, in order to have sexual intercourse with them. They are also believed to do this in order to spawn other Incubi. The Incubus drains energy from the woman it performs sexual intercourse upon in order to sustain itself. In most cases it either kills the victim or leaves the victim in very weak or fragile condition. A female version was called a succubus." (Wiki)
or...maybe that is what you might think of.....
Saturday, January 06, 2007
I'll go crazy

Btw, how could such an ugly man get such a beautiful daughter? If you didn't know, it was thanks to this video that Alicia Silverstone got her breakthrough as an actris. I am not very fond of this song but it is ok and I think it is little of a classic.
What's the problem?
Friday, January 05, 2007
No guns?
Is this soft or is this soft?! I have always liked this song very much. It tends to get on my playlists. He is one of the few persons wearing hats of different kind that I think is ok, not good, but ok. Jamiroquai with his "Virtual Insanity"
Hunny Bunny
Alone I Break

Some more KoRn for you or at least for me. Alone I Break... Many think that this kind of music has no melody but I couldn't dissagree more. I would actually say that many metal music has nicer melodies, more melodic melidies than many popular songs played on the radio. I am convinced it has a lot to do with the willingness to actually listen and not dismiss all metal immediately just because it doesn't sound like the music you are used to and some even because the artists have "funny haircuts" and often long (isn't that awfully like the criticism against Beatles...?) or wear "strange" clothes. Not that everyone has to like it but at least give it a few chances, just like I and many with me have to while listening to music in other peoples company. With friends, at discos, restaurants, gym everywhere where music is played not the least from the radio. Actually I often feel forced to listen to music I don't like or even can stand more than one minute but that's life. There are just a couple of people that I can listen to more or less the same music with but I don't spend that much time with them. The rest of the time I just have to accept a lot of really bad and cheesy music without soul and real energy (late Madonna, 50 Cent, Agnes etc.). If you have listen to any other music here at INCH, you'll know that metal hardly is the only genre I listen to or appreciate. So no, I am all but snowed in on heavy music. Take a look at my favorite music in my profile.
Yes, funny looking guys are going to ruin the minds of the they always have.
So here you have KoRn with "Alone I Break".
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Possessed cat
Funny cheese
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Liberals flirting with racists, as usual

Cool DMX

Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Cool Kitty
Alien attacks
Very usefull for me to keep track of
all the interviews I have printed.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Donald dancing samba in Rio!!!
Oh, look what I found!!! This are several classical brazilian music in combination with Donald Duck. It is really nice, both to listen to and look at, even if you don't know portuguse! Not that I have a clue what Donald is saying (is he speaking in French??), only the parrot whom I don't know the name of. They are in the most beautiful city and country on earth according to me, Rio de Janeiro in Brazil! Btw, this is really how Brazilians can be hihi... How can you NOT be happy when being there? ...and it has nothing at all to do with the cachaca. I love this music :-D Be sure that I will play more Brazilian music here, I have already several in stock.
I say the same Donald, oh boy, oh boy oh boy, oh boy, samba!
Haha...this guy is at least open with his message, no BS, unlike many other things we hear, see on the radio/TV and read in magazines.
Diamonds are the most precious and valuable but also the hardest to make fit...
The Murder
The planned murder of Saddam:
Legalized murder, the worst kind!