…nor does honesty! Who was stupid enough to think that honesty pay off?! *BS* Being honesty and open is the worst thing one can do. It is better to shut up and not wanting anything of anyone or anything. People just turn it against you. There are several situations, people telling you what to do when they don’t know nor ask for the whole picture, assuming they know what’s best for you and what you should do, or telling you that you are lying (both concerning “scientific proof” and my own experiences, who knows better than I what I do and think??) even it they refuse to use that word but it is clearly what they actually mean. If someone says that “what you just said is not true” I interpret that as the other person think I told a lie. I am not talking about the “honesty” that some speaks of, that is just saying what’s on you mind even if it’s something hurtful and unnecessary but the honesty of telling the truth and sharing and reflecting. BIG mistake and I keep doing the same mistake, just wanting to get to know people, make friends. Well, no, I do not appreciate people treating me as if I did something wrong by trying to share and/or improve things with all the best intentions! The older I get, the more confused I get. The more people I get to know, the more I appreciate the few I know I can trust. Instead of expanding the inner circle, the circle stays just where it is. I hope there are people out there willing to prove me wrong…one bright day.
Keep it superficial dear readers!
Keep it superficial dear readers!
What is a lie?
According to some philosophers:
(1) Lying is a perversion of the natural faculty of speech, the natural end of which is to communicate the thoughts of the speaker.
(3) When one lies, one uses the humanity of another person as a mere means to one's end -- one bypasses the person's rationality and in effect makes a decision for the other person, instead of
allowing the other person to use her/his own rationality and make her/his own decision.
(4) When one lies, one uses humanity in oneself as a mere means to one's ends.
I should do like this famous man. He is the living proof that crime does pay and so does dishonesty! Maybe I would be more successfull in achieving my goals by adding as much dishonesty to my life as he has to his politics. He gets what he wants and people is happy to give it him! People simply hear what they want to hear, they rest they ignore...

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