Sunday, April 29, 2007

Not here :-(

I was thinking about my birthday which I have to start planning for. When thinking about who I'd like to invite, I realized that there are a few that I'd really like to invite but no point really since they aren't even in Sweden or simply too far away. :-( Too bad! I miss them...

Informative information

Our modern society is so filled with information and yet there are so many problems communicating them. Especially I notice that concerning some areas within my job. Sometimes people think with their pinky-toe when they are thinking of sharing rather useful information to others.

Another aspect of information is the more "odd" ones, those that are not by any means expected, but as that "info junkie" I truly am, I just enjoy it. For those who don't know me, I see "odd" things as quite positive and in some cases so called "normal" things as not as good and in some even as bad. Anyway, information is fun/interesting :-D
No regrets.

One piece of information I just found was about an old crush of mine (from 7th grade). His personal number* "happen" to be the only complete personal number that I have except for my own of course. I found a website where I could use his number to find out his entire name, which was even longer than I thought. It includes "Farmen" (= the farm) which is a bit odd(var) (which also is one of his names), but that might be explained by the fact that he is Norwegian :-). The name Oddvar he had gotten from his grand father. It took me years (of calling him that to get his attention) before he told me that he didn't hate it because it is a ugly name but because his grandfather was a Nazi and he didn't want to be reminded of that or connected to him in any way. Too bad he didn't tell me that when I started to call him that, I would never have called him it again. :-S

* that every single person in Sweden has to have made out of the birth date + 4 number in a unique combination

While looking for a pic of the info sign "i" I found these instead. I especially like the last one...:

Saturday, April 28, 2007

"Smoking ban at the station"

"The commuter in [M] got tired of being exposed to second hand smoke everyday on the area around the Central Station. In a letter to the municipality, he proposed a smoking ban. The Environmental Administration got interested and contacted the "Banverket"* which immediately liked the idea. // Also the "Gatukontoret"** has been involved in the investigation of whether a ban also can apply for the bus stops outside the train station."

/.se, 2007-04-27. My translation.

Do I like that or what?! Longed for that for years...
* those handling the railways in Sweden
** --"-- the streets etc.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Take action

Received today:
Ämne: Take Action: Russian Human Rights Lawyer Faces Disbarment

Dear Friend,

The Prosecutor General's office is threatening to disbar Karinna Moskalenko, a prominent Russian lawyer who has devoted years of practice to defending human rights.

Ms. Moskalenko is the founder of the International Protection Center, a non-profit legal assistance organization, and represents victims of human rights abuses before the European Court for Human Rights.

Please take action to show your support for Ms. Moskalenko and for the right of attorneys to defend human rights in Russia:

Monday, April 23, 2007

Babies everywhere!

Yes they are, one by one they keep popping up from more or less nowhere (and yes, I do know how babies are made). I have seen quite a few photos of babies and heard of the popping out to be lately. It feels like there are more people having babies than people not having babies, even though I know that´s not the case. Well, maybe I notice them because I am not even near getting one myself? ;-)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The benefit of writing

There is a really good thing about blogging and putting your thoughts "on paper" and it is that it requires that you reflect more carefully about HOW you structure your thoughts, how they might be perceived but also about the content. It helps to sift* out some of the constant thoughts and take away some of the impulsivety that speaking allows people, like me, to keep bothering people with.

Today I felt that once again talked to much in a not so structured way and maybe even a little nervous way. Being an actual, and at the same time only seemingly confident big-mouth doesn't mean that there isn't some nervousness behind all that. With some people you want to be just a little bit better, intelligent and interesting in general, choose the words and subjects more carefully since talking a little too much reveals the things you wish you weren't or at least didn't show. Too many times I have found myself doing and being the opposite that I intended to. Impulse control deficiency is a menace. It can sometimes leave me in a deficit of knowledge in areas that I honestly am interested in knowing and understanding better. The other person might have given me more if I had chosen my words more carefully and listening better. Writing focus the energy instead of letting it the energy act like crazy, which tend to be my normal state of mind.

On the other hand. One should never forget that life is a kind of giant puzzle where one pieces at a time falls into place and the bigger picture finally reveals itself. It just takes some time to get the hang of it.

Now I am so tired that I am almost falling of the chair. A bed awaits me and in 3 hours I will have to leave it again.

* sålla

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Being naive?

Some people tend to interpret ideals or believes, no matter if they are realistic or not, as "naive", which I find strange. What is wrong with having a goal, a dream or even just a hopeful thought that things can become better? Because it doesn't mean that the person having these so called naive thoughts or opinions really are naive in the real sense, being immature, starry-eyed*, not realizing the difficulties and obstacles, believing that there one day will be a perfect world with perfect people. There might be some people like that, but the threshold is quite low for what is put in that "box"** of Naive People. The same thing goes especially for being what some call "idealist"? I perceive it as being used by some as a "nicer" way of saying "idiot".

I have one single question: What is wrong with striving?!

It seem to be fine for most as long as you are striving for your own, very personal goals (money, success etc.) but as soon it hasn't got anything directly connected to yourself, you can be dismissed as a non-realistic person who is living on another planet and therefore not a person that others has to take seriously. I know that I might be exaggerating but the fact is that even if not everyone are that blunt*** or even using these words, the way they really think is easy to see in their faces and hear in their voices. Sometimes I wonder exactly HOW cynical I have to get before acting as most people seem to be doing? Considering what has happened during the last year or so, I would have hoped to have passed that limit for cynicism but that is obviously not the case.

* Blå-ögd
** In lack of a better word. "Placeras i ett visst fack".
*** Rättfram

Monday, April 16, 2007

Weird title

I had another one in mind but it would have been too weird. I just read a couple of emails that my friend sent to me and they were so funny. Guys are really missing out on something not having such good friends as girls seem to have and the openness about funny and personal to what happens to the body when being pregnant and the consequences ;-) I understand that they can be problematic, but they are kind of funny to read about :-D *avoiding getting into details*

Sunday, April 15, 2007

And people wonder...

...what the city I live in has to offer. Well, in the spring and summer it can be pretty pretty! Including days in the middle of April with about maybe 20 degrees.

# 4, the end

I have another friend here who is Christian but when she was in school, she never told anyone there about it because she was afraid that she would be seen as a strange person, and she is probably right. People would probably have been quite polite about it, but in their mind they might have had more negative thoughts about it. Of course depending of the company, I can feel the same thing even though the believe if more of the "opposite" kind if I can say that without being misunderstood. Believing in something and sticking to it can be hard in some people's company. What annoys me is that if I can't speak my mind here in Sweden, I don't know where I can do it. Well, I have a feeling that these situation would be completely different in most other countries, it's not for nothing that Sweden is considered to be one of the absolute most "strange" country in the world compared to most others (read in a serious news paper based on a huge and as serious survey).

Thursday, April 12, 2007

# 3

Either way, I know that I personally live a better life, following several of the commandments that many Christians (open any news paper or turn on the TV and you'll see what I mean). Well, the first one is kind of hard for me to follow but also hard not to follow. But, I do swear sometimes, but never deliberately out of disrespect. I usually do take it easy on Sundays ;-) I love and respect my parents even if I yell and get furious at them sometimes. I never kill and am pretty much against all forms of killing and things that might cause people's death (being passive in some cases has the effect that people are killed so being passive can being a form of killing as I see it!). I don't commit adultery. I don't steal (eg. I wouldn't even work for a company that I believed steals in one way or another from people). I don't lie, just white lies every now and then, but otherwise my honesty is more unwelcome among many than seen as a virtue, too uncomfortable. Unfortunately there are times when I feel envy and/or jealousy but not so often.
to be continued, one last time...

Monday, April 09, 2007

# 2

I know many who doesn't seem to have principals etc. but on the other hand I know quite a few people that say that they believe in a God but they hardly seem to live by the the things they say they believe in. So even if I don't always agree with a very dear friend of mine, I truly respect her for trying to be a better person (privately and as a Christian) based more on her belief. But, being religious does NOT automatically make a person a better person. I strongly believe that if you can't "love thy next as you would love yourself" and RESPECT him or her no matter that person's choices and feelings, I can't see how you can be a good religious person, nor being a good person in general. It's hard, but if you don't even honestly try, then... I know from constant experience that it can be very hard trying to live by your own rules, whether they are based on a belief in a God or something else, because of the people around you who can't really accept it and see you as a weirdo because of it. I know that also because I know how hard it can be to hear a strong opinion that I simply can't agree with or that I feel an emotional distance to. I don't like that about myself but it in itself is a test of my believes.
to be continued...

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Religious v/s believer #1

Why don't call people with a religious belief "religious"? A man speaking about it on the radio reminded me of why. It has come to be associated with more extreme forms of religious believes instead of the more "normal" believes. But still, if the concept of "believer" only is to be associated with those who have a belief in a God, what is MY believes worth just because they don't happen to be connected to any God? Of course it isn't the exact same thing, but, I just want to put the light on the fact that just because someone is an atheist, it doesn't mean that you can't have strong and important values, principals and life rules that you strongly believe in! I consider myself a believer even though people react if I use the term!

to be continued...

Easter bunny

I know exactly who I think should be a bunny, no white, fluffy ears needed though... hmm hmm. Would definitely make my Easter better.

Happy Easter by the way :-)

Friday, April 06, 2007

"Then you're a racist"

Every now and then you hear some Swedes say things like "if you bring up the problem about immigrants, you are seen as a racist" as soon they want to speak condescending about immigrants and their existence and number here (that by the way almost never are there where the actual discussion is held). That is pure bullshit according to me. You never hear the true tolerant people talking about the existing problems that surrounds immigrants like that! There IS a problem and there is a need to talk about it but if you aren't a racist or have an adverse opinion about immigrants and them being here and having some actual knowledge about the situation, the way you speak about immigrants can and will not be seen as racist statements. Certainly you have no need to put on that pompous ass face and defend yourself with such a cheap "argument" as "one can not talk about immigrants without be seen as a racist".

"Be a man", say what you really think instead of hiding like a ostrich! *cluck cluck*

Mandela has the word

"Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. And overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life."

/Nelson Mandela

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Stupid recipe

Is this stupid or what? "Beräknat för 4 portioner" = estimated for 4 persons...but there is not one single quantity information. Hmm...

Jordgubbs- och mozarellamacka
Beräknat för 4 portioner




oliver utan kärnor


olivolja att ringla över


Gör så här:
Dela brödet och lägg på alla ingredienser.

*eating a strawberry and banana pie with a touch of cardamom in the crumble dough on top*