Every now and then you hear some Swedes say things like "if you bring up the problem about immigrants, you are seen as a racist" as soon they want to speak condescending about immigrants and their existence and number here (that by the way almost never are there where the actual discussion is held). That is pure bullshit according to me. You never hear the true tolerant people talking about the existing problems that surrounds immigrants like that! There IS a problem and there is a need to talk about it but if you aren't a racist or have an adverse opinion about immigrants and them being here and having some actual knowledge about the situation, the way you speak about immigrants can and will not be seen as racist statements. Certainly you have no need to put on that pompous ass face and defend yourself with such a cheap "argument" as "one can not talk about immigrants without be seen as a racist".
"Be a man", say what you really think instead of hiding like a ostrich! *cluck cluck*

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