Our modern society is so filled with information and yet there are so many problems communicating them. Especially I notice that concerning some areas within my job. Sometimes people think with their pinky-toe when they are thinking of sharing rather useful information to others.
Another aspect of information is the more "odd" ones, those that are not by any means expected, but as that "info junkie" I truly am, I just enjoy it. For those who don't know me, I see "odd" things as quite positive and in some cases so called "normal" things as not as good and in some even as bad. Anyway, information is fun/interesting :-D
No regrets.
One piece of information I just found was about an old crush of mine (from 7th grade). His personal number* "happen" to be the only complete personal number that I have except for my own of course. I found a website where I could use his number to find out his entire name, which was even longer than I thought. It includes "Farmen" (= the farm) which is a bit odd(var) (which also is one of his names), but that might be explained by the fact that he is Norwegian :-). The name Oddvar he had gotten from his grand father. It took me years (of calling him that to get his attention) before he told me that he didn't hate it because it is a ugly name but because his grandfather was a Nazi and he didn't want to be reminded of that or connected to him in any way. Too bad he didn't tell me that when I started to call him that, I would never have called him it again. :-S
* that every single person in Sweden has to have made out of the birth date + 4 number in a unique combination
While looking for a pic of the info sign "i" I found these instead. I especially like the last one...:

1 comment:
I like to comment on the toilet pictograms. The first row I don't understand but the right part remainds me of an Japanese innovation many years ago (I am a retired patent attorney). As the sound made by people urinating (or defaecating) in some asian cultures is seen as obscene, people, women in particular, use to have the tap water running drowning the "natural" sounds. This causes an intolerable water consumption.
According to the innovation a sound generator is installed which emits a flushing sound whenever the toilet is occupied.
Also the meaning of the one in the second row escapes me. But taken at face value I think it is in error. If you are going to throw up (which eventually is needed even without the use of bottles) you should lift also the "sit ring" (I don't know the correct term).
The next row is crystal clear, however, if you know the context. In Asia, public toilets (also many private ones)are shallow deepenings in the lavatory floor which you crouch over.
(Then you use the water hose and your left hand to clean your private parts. Thats why i is regarded inappropriate to hand over something, e.g. money, to someone with your left hand. You simply have to use your (clean) right hand. Curiously, when you are handing over something very valuable or important, you should use both hands! At least in Malaysia from wher I have some experience.)
The last one is amusing but may also be commented upon. There is a male culture saying that a real man is peeing standing. Sitting piddlers are lumped together with homos (in Swedish: bögar och sittkissare) and I don't know what.
However, the standing sort not only miss the target, they are missing the chance to emptying their bladder completely and a pleasant moment of reading.
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