Thursday, November 27, 2008

1 of 395

I just received another response to an job application. I didn't get it. I was 1 of 395 who applied for the single post. 1 of 395 = 0,25 % chance of getting the job. You can imagine how good that feels as a well educated and ambitious person who think the tasks for that job would suit me. As far as I know, there are 50-400 applicants for each job I apply for. I just wish someone would give me a chance, I wouldn't dissapoint them.

Then there are a lot of people who thinks that unemployed people "just have to work harder" and that tey are lazy and just like to receive benefits. Yes, I am one of these no-good-people in the lower socio economic class.... Yeah, right. It pisses me off that so many people are so narrow minded who are quick to judge people they don't know and don't WANT to know.

If it is this hard for me as a well adjusted, ambitious, primarily Swedish person from the middle class with 100 % supporting parents and who was brought up in a calm and good place to get a relevant job (or any job for that matter, cleaning firms don't want me even if I have plenty of experience)....why would a person without these privileged things do better? Then to blame them for being lazy and bad, that is *******.

"Nu har ansökningstiden för anställningarna som kvalificerade handläggare på avdelningen för bedömning av utländsk högre utbildning, reg. nr xxx, gått ut.

Vi har fått mycket positiv respons på annonsen. Vi har fått in 395 ansökningar av mycket hög kvalitet - något som gläder oss mycket. Vi har nu gjort ett första urval och kallat tio personer till intervju. Med många kvalificerade kandidater måste vi tyvärr meddela att vi denna gång inte har möjlighet att gå vidare med din ansökan. Vi vill ändå passa på att tacka dig för det intresse du visat för Högskoleverket genom din ansökan!"

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