Some days are just awful. Loads to do at work, not having the time to do all things, new things just keep popping up. Spending my only break (a late lunch) having a hot debate with two of my colleagues about the death penalty (2 against 1). One having her roots in southern Europe and the other one in South america. NOT what I needed today, draining more energy. Do I need to say that I wasn't in a very good mood because of that and other things? That is why it is so important to me to have people around that I know that I don't have to fight with concerning issues like this and other subjects that fundamentally is about the value and rights that EVERY SINGLE DAMN PERSON POSSESS. They give me a needed space and break to help me regain energy to be able to withstand the negative, outer influence that cost a lot of energy.
What they, as so many others, had problems with was to separate the personal/individual and the state. What they think or would think if they (personally or someone in their family) would like to happen to the perpetrator is one thing (not even I can guaranty that I wouldn't like to kill or have my children's killer killed!) and to legalize premeditated killing by the state. They said yes because they have forfeited their right to life and if the judgement is democratically made (eg. 3 out of 5 => execution), it is right. The underlying "argument" was "what if it happened to YOU?". Well, that is what differs the primitive creature from the civilized, we have found other ways to deal with problems than just giving in to the impulse. Me eat. Me sleep. Me horny. Me eat. Me sleep. Me horny.
It's late and I'm exhausted but writing here is not only a for me necessary brain drain, it is also a needed distraction. The rest of the text connected to the above will appear here later on. You probably need a reading break.
Over and out. Bed, here I come. Please let me fall asleep quickly and not have any dreams.
Over and out. Bed, here I come. Please let me fall asleep quickly and not have any dreams.
to be continued...

Dear Natasja!
You said that you have had a hot debate about death penalty with two of your colleagues. I myself am rather sure that "hot debates" are not a good way to convert persons pro-death penalty. If they are attacked they make even more to defend their opinion. Therefor I mean that this method is contraproductive. It is much better to very calm present the arguments (not all at the same time) than make a person feel offended.
I that know by my own experiences.
Go on and fight against death penalty, but be a little humble and patient.
Try to not be frustrated and show that you are angry.
Yes, I know that it sometimes is difficult, not least when person refuse to listen to arguments. Mostly we who are against death penalty have much more arguments than the others.
Trust me, I tried to keep it calm, I was calmer than my two friends. But, then there is the question how calm three people with Chilean, Italian and Brazilian background CAN be? ;-) The most vivid argument to why a killer should be killed: "a Mafia boss who sets a 5 years old girl on fire because her father hadn't payed the fee for having his business"... I was the calm one and not the one feeling like having to leave the table after a while.
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