Aum", that is another theft :-) When I read it, it made me smile of the old memory it evoked of my mother sitting on the living room sofa with her legs crossed. Teaching me how to sit and how to hold my fingers, trying to make me want to meditate a little. She had little luck though. I was too impatient to manage ;-)
Now you have touched the very essance of my soul. AMU is tatooed on my shoulder, and as a Buddhist I meditate as much as I can, although it goes long periods of time between sometimes. You need to let the wisdom sink in from time to time.
But, AUM is theft, in a way...or not? People are using symbols too often without knowing the meaning, e.g. AUM, Yin&Yang, the cross or even Che Guevara. Everything is commercial - nothing is sacred. You find Buddha Bar, Buddha Lounge, Buddha (the alcohol in USA - like moonshine?...I don't know), and a fat little Buddha is a symbol of tatoo events. Some people say every commercial is a good one...I am not sure. What if you could visit the Jesus Pub or the Muhammed Lounge? Would that be ok?
So, if you have no plans, meet me at the Noah Beer Joint. I'll be drinking an Abraham-Temple. You want one? :)
Now you have touched the very essance of my soul. AMU is tatooed on my shoulder, and as a Buddhist I meditate as much as I can, although it goes long periods of time between sometimes. You need to let the wisdom sink in from time to time.
But, AUM is theft, in a way...or not? People are using symbols too often without knowing the meaning, e.g. AUM, Yin&Yang, the cross or even Che Guevara. Everything is commercial - nothing is sacred. You find Buddha Bar, Buddha Lounge, Buddha (the alcohol in USA - like moonshine?...I don't know), and a fat little Buddha is a symbol of tatoo events. Some people say every commercial is a good one...I am not sure. What if you could visit the Jesus Pub or the Muhammed Lounge? Would that be ok?
Yes, unfortunatley there are many symbols that are used in ways that are more or less apropriate. Funny you mention Buddha Bar. Last year I lived pretty much next door to a Buddha Bar but I never entered. I don't know why, people told me that they have nice tea there.
I have never liked when people buy shiny crosses that they wear around their neck etc. or other symbols that actually have a deep meaning to others. At least there should be some kind of "deeper" meaning even if it isn't necessarily religious.
There are many things that I find disrespectful, like when atheists go through the confirmation. Confirmation means to CONFIRM. Confirm WHAT?! I'd get furious if people around me would stand up and say they believe in something I do but they obviously don't. How rude! I have one single friend that I really feel did the right thing when she went though the confirmation AND got baptised. She had something to confirm...
Haven't you learned yet Peter, Jesus and Muhammed are worth much more than any other religion or set of believes?! Especially Jesus. Haven't you seen/heard Jesus Camp and what the lovely Becky Fisher says? She and other with her ARE RIGHT!! THey have the right belief. Didin't you know that?
And my answer to whether every commercial is good: easy, of course it isn't. I can be if you have nothing more to strive for than hitting your nose in the concrete wall.
Btw, have you read "Religious v/s believer" that I wrote in April?
Great stuff.
Obviously we think alike. To confim your believes should be the essence to why one wants to pass though a rite-de-passage. I myself converted to Tibetan Buddhism last year after a minor personal retreat in France. I try not to care of the Buddha pictures everywhere in every context, but of cause I do mind a bit. I think one should not disrespect religious symbols, and not either show it too obvious (says I who am tatooed with my believes...well, I am not perfect or omnipotent...but I aim for it...)
/P. Ture
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