"850 000 SEK, that is how much the chairman of the Skåne (Scania) Party, Carl P Herslow, is sued for because he as responsible for the Skåne Party's local radio has not paid fees to Stim for music that is played in the channel. 'Stim has, with very few exceptions, not received any compensation for the use of music that has been played and still is', writes Stim in their application of a summons."
Metro, 20070614
Metro, 20070614
This is a man and the people that think like him, who are very intolerant, narrow minded, scared, ignorant and in some cases quite uneducated. I recommend those who has the possibility to listen to Herslow's program. Their worst enemy is Muslims and a cloth. So my reaction to this is simple:

I could probably get a PhD in Herslow's bullshit.I've been listening to his bla bla bla for years now. From the very begining, his main goal was to sell alcohol in ordinary Swedish stores. Up next was to "liberate" Skåne från Sweden and now to remove islam from the face of the earth (or at least from Skåne, that is "the earth" to him). Well, on with the show, what's it gonna be next mister CP? His name is actually Carl P Herslow and "forgetting" about his last name when forming his "initials" does actually make sense when considering who we're dealing with...
(sorry, I don't wanna make fun of people who are challenged with handicaps at all)
I don't know whether I should laugh or cry when I listen to him and his followers. It is scary to hear all the ignorance that these people show and even worse is the FEAR. They are so increible scared of the things they know nothing about.
Cry baby, cry is the ONLY thing that makes sense when it comes to these people...
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