To generalize is, according to me, playing with fire! When talking about a group of people, no matter whether it is about the colour of the skin, nationality, gender, profession, political opinion, interests, way of making money etc., it is very dangerous to imply in any way that they are all the same. It says more about a person that he or she probably would like to and not the least realize!
I went to a seminar/lecture/discussion tonight about what role religion plays in world politics. There were three speakers discussing it in a very good and interesting way (and academic way). One of the two women pointed out almost in the end that it might sound that she is little against a secular society in this discussion, that she is one of those that usually always are fighting for a secular society. The only reason for sounding like this, she said, was because she thought that the discussion sometimes was a little one-sided and she wanted to make sure that it became a bit more balanced.
I am just like that. When I feel that somebody generalizes, simplifies things too much or are plain intolerant (which are three things that are/can be connected!) I always get defensive for the part that isn't there to defend him/herself, which often is the case, no matter if I share the view or not. E.g. how often is there a homosexual person present when homosexuality in any way is discussed, or an immigrant or anyone that is accused for something?
I am just like that. When I feel that somebody generalizes, simplifies things too much or are plain intolerant (which are three things that are/can be connected!) I always get defensive for the part that isn't there to defend him/herself, which often is the case, no matter if I share the view or not. E.g. how often is there a homosexual person present when homosexuality in any way is discussed, or an immigrant or anyone that is accused for something?
Well, defensive is in some cases an understatement... It infuriates me when people don't think longer than (Gorma's) nose! There is especially one person close to me that I have these kind of discussions with and they are never quiet! Another person can vouch for that hehe...
One last provocative statement: You are NOBODY without principals! Just choose them carefully...

I am about to explode... I am so angry. *not talking to anybody* Safest..for everybody. I could really need a lot of chocolate right now. Store's closed :-(
Hey, family and friends... I just figured out what you should give me for birthday present this year. A boxing sac or what ever it's called and a couple of big red gloves and mum, give me a prescription for your blood pressure medicine, I am going to need it, sooner or later.
Sometimes I wish that I could know for one single minute what it feels like to imply not care...
Did you get a boxing sac and red gloves?
No, unfortunatly not. Mostly things that are more or less fragile. Since they are gifts I don't want to destroy them even if they might be nice to crush ;-) The crushing sound is nice even if it is just a quick fix.
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