Saturday, March 03, 2007

Correct time

Every now and then you meet people (Swedish people) that complain a lot about how things work here in Sweden, some even saying that they want nothing else than to move away from Sweden because things don't work here. Once a woman on a bus, any normal woman, said to me that she badly wanted to go to the US because it is much better there in general.

The other day I was standing in a queue* to order some food in a central station. In front of me there was a man with a big suitcase. He turned to me and asked for the time, in English. Instead of getting my mobile, I just turned around and pointed at the huge clock at the other end of the station. Ahh, he said, then wondering if it was correct. Sure, I said, it always is! It has, as long as I have been going through that station (about 7 years) never been wrong. Then the man seriously said that "Oh, of course, everything works in Sweden!".

* kö

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