Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Intelligent children becomes vegetarians

"Ju intelligentare ett barn är, desto större är sannolikheten för att det blir vegetarian som vuxen. Slutsatsen drar brittiska forskare vid University of Southampton efter att ha studerat 8179 personers livsstil. Alla personer fick sin intelligenskvot mätt som tioåringar och blev nu ombedda att berätta om sina kostvanor. Sammanlagt 365 deltagare berättade att de var vegetarianer, och dessa deltagare hade en markant högre intelligenskvot som tioåringar. Den nya upptäckten kan bidra till att förklara varför intelligenta, välutbildade människor ofta är friskare, vilket flera undersökningar påvisat. Vegetarianer drabbas mer sällan av för högt blodtryck, för högt kolesterolvärde och hjärtkärlsjukdomar."

I find this interesting. Quite a few of my friends, mainly Amnesty friends, are vegetarians and it is hard to deny that they are intelligent. I wonder if I could almost put myself in that category considering that I mainly eat vegetarian food and even try a little to replace the dairy products to some small extent ;-) Although, the pasta with tomato/pork/bacon dish M ate the other night at the nice restaurant was just so tasty (I just had a couple of bites and then continues with my pasta/pesto/zucchini), but usually it isn't even that good.

Nope, in general it is of course not worth it from any aspect. There is no way for anyone to ever defend eating meat, especially not the amount most Westerners do. Claiming that people's right to eat meat and affecting the world (people and climate, ok, pretty much the same thing when it comes down to business) is based on that it is so tasty with meat and "we've always done it" is plain stupid and I really mean that. It's like saying that "men have always beaten up women, therefore it is right" or "the bible says it's wrong, therefore it is wrong". Strange how smoking and meat eating can rob people so profoundly from their logic thinking and empathy. Two letter: me me me.

Or as Einstein said: Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe.

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