"Positive feelings and deep friendship is an incredible important antidote against the longterm stress' down breaking effects."
If deep friendship helps against stress and other negative effects, how are you affected when losing important friendship? Do the good effects just fail to come or does it have an actual negative effect? I think it is the latter.

Take my word for it. Losing close friends or people that have made an impression on you *always* causes stress and pain in various dimensions. I'm sure you Natasja can handle such things quite well, but speaking on my own experience, I'm lousy at handling losses. It always causes a lot of pain that can never be handled in a particularly good way, pain that is often supressed and pops up when you least want it later in life. Are you about to lose someone in your close circle of friends...beware! Try to hold on to small things at least, things that remind you (and the other persons) of the good times you guys had. I promise you, even the smallest and insignificant things may seem valuable later on...various artifacts, places and conversations...hold on to those precious things!
I don't know. I don't feel like I am good at handling it at all. That is what I am afraid of also, to supress things and that it will pop up later. I already did lose someone. Yes, I do, I do hold on to those things even though they are hard to think of sometimes at least now.
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