Let me begin by saying that this will probably piss some people off but I'd love to hear somebody explain why some people and their way of living is better than the other's. I still haven't got a satisfactory answer, or any really, that I as a heterosexual and atheist person can understand and I have wondered about this for ages.
* Why is it that it is more accepted for a religious person to be intolerant and be disparaging towards homosexuals than if a Nazi does?
* Is it a good/ok/acceptable if the reason is based on a religious belief and bad and despicable if it is based on another set of values, values that are not socially accepted by the majority?
* How can one defend one and the same outcome based on to different views, one considered as GOD and the other one as BAD?
* Is it ok as long as the opinion doesn't lead to physical abuse, just legal and personal harm and restricted personal and individual freedom?
* Is it ok to prevent religious people to practice their religion through the legal system and talk to and about them as if they were acting, thinking and living in the wrong way just as long as there is no physical abuse?
And NO, it is NOT rhetorical questions (which many people seem to CHOOSE to see many of my questions as, says more about them then me).
* Why is it that it is more accepted for a religious person to be intolerant and be disparaging towards homosexuals than if a Nazi does?
* Is it a good/ok/acceptable if the reason is based on a religious belief and bad and despicable if it is based on another set of values, values that are not socially accepted by the majority?
* How can one defend one and the same outcome based on to different views, one considered as GOD and the other one as BAD?
* Is it ok as long as the opinion doesn't lead to physical abuse, just legal and personal harm and restricted personal and individual freedom?
* Is it ok to prevent religious people to practice their religion through the legal system and talk to and about them as if they were acting, thinking and living in the wrong way just as long as there is no physical abuse?
And NO, it is NOT rhetorical questions (which many people seem to CHOOSE to see many of my questions as, says more about them then me).
I'm absoulutely sure this posting will piss some ppl off, yes. I find it more like mindboggling than provocative actually. Your questions are very relevant and I'm afraid that I cannot answer to your satisfaction. There is simply no easy answer here. I'd like to put it simple, "NO, there is no right in violence or hatered based on neither politics or religion projected on people's belief". It's just as simple as that, to me that is. There is a very interesting (language) twist in your posting that might be a slip of keys or maybe a very deliberate thing.
"...one considered as GOD and the other one as BAD"
This ads something like a more "thrilling" touch if we consider God here ;-)
I understand you ponder on these questions, I guess many of us do. Let's just accept ppl the way they are alltough I know you want to reach a lot further in your questions here. You seem to touch a very large topic in a short posting and I'm not trying to give you a cleaver answer, just a note that this is way too big to just "answer". My 0.2.
And oh, yeah, lemme act in a little bit of a proactive way here. Before anyone launches a flood of words here to attack Natasja, just think of her basic thoughts (giving birth to the "questions"). She is trying to bring up a large and difficult subject and all you readers, don't be scared by her addressing these questions. Let's instead use it in a constructive way that makes US think. Not forcing anyone to the same way of looking at it as Natasja does, but please, use her interesting posting here to THINK. That is something we all do far too little in everyday life...some time for contemplation that is.
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