Monday, February 04, 2008

Not all is freedom of religion

"Människor kan inte bete sig hur som helst bara för att de hänvisar till några rader i Bibeln eller Koranen. Det är inte det som är religionsfrihet".
Nyamko Sabuni, integrationsminister

"People can't behave as they please just because they refer to some lines in the Bible or the Koran. That's not freedom of religion."

It's far from every time that I agree with her, but this time I sure do. I talked to a friend the other day who is studying to become a priest for the Swedish church. He is currently studying Hebrew to be able to understand the original texts but it has nothing to do with interpretation of the meanings of them. I couldn't help myself to comment that I don't understand how on earth so many Christians focus so much on the gay question (when there are poverty, wars and all other God forsaken missary just around the corner) and he said that anti-gay sections are TWO or THREE in the Bible. TWO or THREE, can you even imagine...and THAT is what so many people base their choice of politicians on, maybe not so many here but on the other side of the Atlantic... To be honest, do you actually think it is strange that the view of religion and religious people isn't always so positive, at least not here? Fortunatley or unfortunately, people's priorities says a lot about them and what they believe in and represent.

(Sorry for the italic, I can't take it away)

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