You hear people say that they really don't like that the state decides how they shold live their lives, do with their money etc. I have a simple question to all of these people: Do you really think that you are free even if the state didn't have the authorities it has with the means to make you behave in a certain way?
People know what is best for themselves right and how to do that?
So, that means that you are completely free to do the choices you want and DO it? That would have to mean that you are never affected of how much one should weight, never buy the magazines to get all the tips how to lose those extra pounds to fit in that tiny bikini or look good in that white, slim T-shirt that brings out those perfect biceps, what brands to wear/use, what perfume to use, what haircut to have, what colour of the couch should be, what job has the highest status, what car to drive and the colour of it, where you go to vacation, the food you give to your guests, what disco/bar is the best, what mobile to use, what it says on the paper bag with white handles, who big you apartment/house/garden is, who many Cd's you've got, who made the painting you've got in the living room...sorry, how much it is worth in $, how often you go out to eat, how big the rock is on your finger.
If you actuallt tried to exsercis your free will (in the areas that the government hasn't got any power)
So until you can convince me that you never affected by the commercials and outer pressure for what to think, wear, say and do, don't come and say that you are surpressed by the state.
Some small, last notes: I personally have a sand coloured couch, I'd like to have a silver metallic car when buying one, I have one of the latest SonyEricsson mobile phones with one of the better headsets (not bluetooth though), I'd like to buy a really good camera soon (which probably will cost me a few thousands), I'm looking for a better job that has better status than the non-qualified that I have now (although it because I'd like to have one that is actually something that interests me), I love buying new clothes and get more and more things of the one that I find nice/amusing.
If I wanted, I could try to tell myself that I have/want/do all these thing jus because I WANT to but it takes me about 1 minute to realize that that is just a lie. Where the line goes exact beteween what I want and what others make me believe I want just isn't that clear as I'd like to. On the other hand, I
An info junkie's random thoughts but never random opinions about politics, human rights, music, life and everything in between.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Robin Hood?
written by one of my favorites...who I by the way have met once at a panel discussion about refugees in EU, Alexandra Pascalidou :-) She was the "moderator".
written by one of my favorites...who I by the way have met once at a panel discussion about refugees in EU, Alexandra Pascalidou :-) She was the "moderator".
Hmm...while looking for a picture to put here I found some that I don't like at all so I definitely changed my mind about doing so. :-S This is the second time in a year that she has disappointed me. Not good.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
"They Wanna Lock Me Up"
...and that is that they were singing the very second I started to write the title of this blog. Listening to Clawfinger (Swedish group) while vacuuming my apartment. I got an email from Zak once but I haven't replied properly yet because I am waiting for when I have the time and energy to write about them a bit more here on INCH. He said something about fans and the group is well worth some more space here than just what I am writing right now.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Have some faith!
Not long ago it was the end of school for many young people. On my way home from work, the yelling, whistling, singing now ex students passed me by in different kinds of vehicles. On one of them it said this: "Unemployed tomorrow, thanks for that!"
Sure, it is not always easy to get a job as a young person etc., but come ooon, how pessimistic are they on the day they have longed and worked for for so long? Can't they wait at least one day before worrying about what tomorrow brings? And an even more personal reflection... Why see themselves as unemployed instead of "in between schools"? The 1st September university starts, is that such an awful alternative to work or being unemployed. After all, I don't think that further education can be seen as something negative. Not today. Not in Sweden. I personally feel
that my single education isn't enough when trying to get the jobs I want, I "should" have at least TWO educations...
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Caring v/s don't giving a xxx
It's simply not possible to do the right thing, or so it seems.
If I don't care, I do the wrong thing and if I care I am still doing the wrong thing. People don't get it, even if I spell it out for them in HUGE RED LETTERS that I react strongly BECAUSE I CARE! Then people only think that I am a pain in the ass. Some saying that it is only with me that certain discussions arise, of course, because nobody else gives a shit about whatever it is and about you.
I think that the recipe for success is caring this little, sometimes or preferably as seldom as possible and not daring to say a pip, ever. Then I will get lots and lots of friends who think I'm cool and worthy of hanging out with, listen to what say and think, being CHOSEN among others and not only because I'm the only one around, that invite me to all the cool parties and so on and so on.
And to cool me of, some music! Prison Song with System of a Down...
I have reduced the lyrics (repeated things taken away) to make the lyrics easier to read.
They're trying to build a prison
If I don't care, I do the wrong thing and if I care I am still doing the wrong thing. People don't get it, even if I spell it out for them in HUGE RED LETTERS that I react strongly BECAUSE I CARE! Then people only think that I am a pain in the ass. Some saying that it is only with me that certain discussions arise, of course, because nobody else gives a shit about whatever it is and about you.
I think that the recipe for success is caring this little, sometimes or preferably as seldom as possible and not daring to say a pip, ever. Then I will get lots and lots of friends who think I'm cool and worthy of hanging out with, listen to what say and think, being CHOSEN among others and not only because I'm the only one around, that invite me to all the cool parties and so on and so on.
And to cool me of, some music! Prison Song with System of a Down...
I have reduced the lyrics (repeated things taken away) to make the lyrics easier to read.
They're trying to build a prison
Following the rights movement
You clamped on with your iron fists
Drugs became conveniently
Available for all the kids
I buy my crack, I smack my bitch
Right here in Hollywood
(nearly 2 million Americans are
Incarcerated in the prison system
Prison system of the us)
Minor drug offenders fill your prisons
Minor drug offenders fill your prisons
You don't even flinch
All our taxes paying for your wars
Against the new non-rich
The percentage of Americans in the prison system
Prison system, has doubled since 1985
All research and successful drug policy show
That treatment should be increased
And law enforcement decreased
While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences
Utilising drugs to pay for secret wars around the world
Drugs are now your global policy now you police the globe
Drug money is used to rig elections
And train brutal corporate sponsored dictators
Around the world
They're trying to build a prison
(for you and me to live in)
Another prison system
(for you and me to live in)
For you and i, for you and i, for you and i
For you and i
They're trying to build a prison
For you and me
Oh baby, you and me
More DMX
Some time ago now that I played something by DMW, so here you've got some more. I still like his voice alot...
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Pimp it?!

I just think it is important that people don't lose track of what the word actually means and that it is something to reject, not embrace.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
"Tro rätt, tro fel"
One of my favorite songs and has been for many years. I don't remember exactly when it became that of all the songs on that album (Gryningstid) but quite early I guess. The album came 1993. Those who know my age can do the math. It is the combination of music and lyrics that caught my ear, mind and thought.
(here is the official video)
Tro rätt, tro fel
Moder Justitia ser ner på mig
är det så fruktansvärt, det brott jag begått
folk har säkert glömt bort mig nu
vad jag är skyldig till har jag ej förstått
Dagar har blivit till år
fast tiden står still i cellens mörka vrå
sitter här för att förstå
att min ideologi är helt fel väg att gå
Folk dom brukade lyssna på mig
applådera å jubla efter mina tal
jag, jag fick dom att tro på nånting
men enligt makten var jag alltför radikal
För i min värld
lever människor lyckligt och utan besvär
kanske är det en utopi
men människan är väl född till att vara fri
Dom har bränt mina böcker
dom har förnedrat å slagit mig gul å blå
hoppas jag gjort nån nytta
kanske fick jag några att vakna å förstå
Timmar har blivit till år
fast tiden går så läks inte mina sår
varje sekund, varje minut
så önskar jag bara att livet vore slut
Monday, June 18, 2007
A she boss
Some days just leave you with a beat body and sleepiness since so many things happen and the mind says stop by saying stop to the body.
My morning started a bit like this and that made me feel accordingly... :-(
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Almost One INCH Nails...
Not nine, but for those who preferes that I present Nine Inch Nails. I usually don't listen so much to NIN but I like this song and I'd like to play it here.
The Last of the Mohicans
Saw the last few minutes of "The Last of the Mohicans" and I realized that the beautiful melody that I always have liked is the theme song to this movie.
Sitting arrangements
Went to a double birthday party the other day where both family and friends came, an afternoon/evening party. A bit late there arrived a young couple and by then more than half the people had already left so there were plenty of seats free in one end of the long table. Instead of sitting next to the rest of the people, the couple sat down next to each other several chairs away from everybody else! I don't get it. They came, stood there by themselves until seated with their plate of food, almost as far away from everyone else, well aware that they weren't taking anybody else's seats. Isn't that pretty rude?
No, I don't get it.

No, I don't get it.

This is not a photo from the actual event, just an example of the kind of table mentioned.
Friday, June 15, 2007
850 000 reasons to shut up!
"850 000 SEK, that is how much the chairman of the Skåne (Scania) Party, Carl P Herslow, is sued for because he as responsible for the Skåne Party's local radio has not paid fees to Stim for music that is played in the channel. 'Stim has, with very few exceptions, not received any compensation for the use of music that has been played and still is', writes Stim in their application of a summons."
Metro, 20070614
Metro, 20070614
This is a man and the people that think like him, who are very intolerant, narrow minded, scared, ignorant and in some cases quite uneducated. I recommend those who has the possibility to listen to Herslow's program. Their worst enemy is Muslims and a cloth. So my reaction to this is simple:

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
(Small but Annoying) Mysteries of Everyday Life
Have you ever noticed more or less strange and/or simply annoying things in the everyday life? I have some examples of these SAMEL:s, and the more I write, the more I think of:
¤ WHY are most cords black? How many of actually have black floors, baseboards* or black walls? Hardly discreet.
¤ WHY do most skirts lack pockets? (in at least some they should be able to but a small pocket on the inside)
¤ WHY oh why do mosquitoes leave you with nothing but a almost painful scratching feeling after have stolen some of my blood?
¤ WHY do most nice looking shoes hurt like beep, especially in the summer?
¤ WHY don't all remote controls have something that makes it possible to locate it built-in?
¤ WHY ohhh whyyyy aren't all dishes self cleaning?
¤ WHY sitting in front of the computer hours and hours for several months (while writing a paper or something else) isn't half as painful for the shoulders and neck as having a paid job sitting in front of the computer?
¤ WHY the seats in the cinema always are seats for sitting, not everyone like to spend 1,5 h - 3 h sitting straights up? I never sit straight up and with both feet on the floor.
¤ WHY does everyone "expect" everyone to drink a bitter drink that isn't even healthy? (coffee)
¤ WHY is the glue on post-it notes often so bad?
¤ WHY is it so hard to make sure that you (I) are (am) in the same country as the best friend?
¤ WHY are there so many interesting things to read (books, magazines, news papers) and so little time?
¤ WHY are the tastiest and most fun things often bad for you?
* list
If you have anything to add, just write a comment about it. All these things are probably what could be called "I-landsproblem" ;-) (problems for the industrialized world)
Similou City
Suddenly it happends, I agree ;-) I also like This song.
I was walking around the big city today. Very nice walking and talking to my brother and playing with his little daughter. She is such a darling!
I was walking around the big city today. Very nice walking and talking to my brother and playing with his little daughter. She is such a darling!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Never mind me...
I am so freaking tired of people expecting me to shut up and think that it is ok and normal to be hurt and not trying to do anything about it! Trying to plan a birthday party has this year cost me way more than it has been worth. Well, I guess that I should see it as a small friendship test where most fail. It is not that people can't come, it is WHY some of them can't come. Some have good reasons but some just keep the door open in case something more fun will turn up in the last second instead of saying yes to an invitation they got weeks ago in some cases. Some even saying yes and then all the sudden they are planning a party of their own (PLUS inviting me and telling me that I should celebrate my birthday THERE), or going to another party, even if the mail person there is turning 7. What more excuses has there been? Yeah, "Oh, sorry Natasja". "Do I know anyone there?...I'm sitting and planning the weekend" (2 days before and knowing about it for weeks). Just to mention some.
And people wonder why I am pissed off?! Most of them have high IQ but obviously very low EQ. The thing is also that they don't get why I get so sad and sour. Just one looked very guilty when confronted.
I should stop "asking questions" I don't want to know the answer of. Too bad I care.

Proportionate crime?
Proportionate? Exactly, but why is eye for an eye only used as an argument when it comes to killers? Kill the killer. Why not rape the rapist (or someone in his family)? Why not burn the arsonist's house? One thing I have to give these girls "credit" for is that they said that if their brother or son ever would kill someone, they would like them to be executed. Whether they would say the same thing if they actually would be put in such a situation I personally doubt that.
to be continued...
to be continued...
From Wikipedia:
"The phrase "an eye for an eye", (Hebrew: עין תחת עין) is a quotation from Exodus 21:23–27 that expresses a principle of retributive justice also known as lex talionis (Latin for "law of retaliation"). The basis of this form of law is the principle of proportionate punishment, often expressed under the motto "Let the punishment fit the crime", which particularly applies to mirror punishments (which may or may not be proportional). At the root of the non-biblical form of this principle is the belief that one of the purposes of the law is to provide equitable retaliation for an offended party. It defined and restricted the extent of retaliation. This early belief is reflected in the Code of Hammurabi and in the laws of the Old Testament (e.g., Ex 21:23–25, Lv 24:18–20, Dt 19:21)."
"The phrase "an eye for an eye", (Hebrew: עין תחת עין) is a quotation from Exodus 21:23–27 that expresses a principle of retributive justice also known as lex talionis (Latin for "law of retaliation"). The basis of this form of law is the principle of proportionate punishment, often expressed under the motto "Let the punishment fit the crime", which particularly applies to mirror punishments (which may or may not be proportional). At the root of the non-biblical form of this principle is the belief that one of the purposes of the law is to provide equitable retaliation for an offended party. It defined and restricted the extent of retaliation. This early belief is reflected in the Code of Hammurabi and in the laws of the Old Testament (e.g., Ex 21:23–25, Lv 24:18–20, Dt 19:21)."

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Do the hustle
I have simply stolen these lines because I like them. I get reminded more often than I'd like to about how few people like that who I surround myself with. Although it is easier said than done to do it. "Imigration officials trying to mess things up, police searching my house. Hiding refugees, hustling with racists to get human rights for my fellow man."
Well, keep up the good fight...
Monday, June 04, 2007
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Me MILK?!?!
I quote my black haired and tanned mother: "You are not white, you are milk!" Let me put it like this, the relevant genes concerning this finished before I was conceived.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
What a day...1
Some days are just awful. Loads to do at work, not having the time to do all things, new things just keep popping up. Spending my only break (a late lunch) having a hot debate with two of my colleagues about the death penalty (2 against 1). One having her roots in southern Europe and the other one in South america. NOT what I needed today, draining more energy. Do I need to say that I wasn't in a very good mood because of that and other things? That is why it is so important to me to have people around that I know that I don't have to fight with concerning issues like this and other subjects that fundamentally is about the value and rights that EVERY SINGLE DAMN PERSON POSSESS. They give me a needed space and break to help me regain energy to be able to withstand the negative, outer influence that cost a lot of energy.
What they, as so many others, had problems with was to separate the personal/individual and the state. What they think or would think if they (personally or someone in their family) would like to happen to the perpetrator is one thing (not even I can guaranty that I wouldn't like to kill or have my children's killer killed!) and to legalize premeditated killing by the state. They said yes because they have forfeited their right to life and if the judgement is democratically made (eg. 3 out of 5 => execution), it is right. The underlying "argument" was "what if it happened to YOU?". Well, that is what differs the primitive creature from the civilized, we have found other ways to deal with problems than just giving in to the impulse. Me eat. Me sleep. Me horny. Me eat. Me sleep. Me horny.
It's late and I'm exhausted but writing here is not only a for me necessary brain drain, it is also a needed distraction. The rest of the text connected to the above will appear here later on. You probably need a reading break.
Over and out. Bed, here I come. Please let me fall asleep quickly and not have any dreams.
Over and out. Bed, here I come. Please let me fall asleep quickly and not have any dreams.
to be continued...

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