I really like blogger but there are some small annoying things, like the difficulties to ensure that the spaces between the lines are the same while writing the text and when published. If you don't understand what I am talking about, just take a look down under ;-) "Why why why"

While talking about blogger, I have a problem as you've probably noticed. Sometimes the text disappears and you have to fiddle around a little to be able to read it. I'm not sure what to do about it, I just know that I don't want to do anything that would change the looks of INCH. I don't want any of the other templates, this suits me very well of a couple of reasons. I really like the colours but they are also very nice to my eyes = don't give me headaches as light surfaces and light in general do.
It's highly unlikely that you'd call me intelligent or well educated compared to yourself, but despite that fact, I might have a piece of useful advice for you when it comes to HTML and web publishing. So, here's the deal. When using copy and paste, copying a text from a webpage or text in a mail that you've received and trying to paste it into a HTML based editor like blogger.com, you lose the formatting. It looks good in the blogger.com editor but you've actually lost the HTML tags that controls formatting of text. The HTML based editor needs a HTML tag for creating a line break. The tag you usually put in a HTML script to create a line-feed is br or in some cases p. What you might do here is to paste your copied text into NOTEPAD and make sure the text is formatted the way you want it to look on blogger.com. Then, copy the text and paste it into the blogger.com editor. This usually helps in your efforts to control line-feeds. I could go on giving you a better technical explanation but I undestand this is of little interest to you. So, my advice is to copy the text from a mail or web page into Notepad (not MS Word or any other text editor) and then paste it back into the blogger.com editor. You may have to try a few times before getting it right but eventually you'll find the little things that "do the trick". Hope this helps.
Oh, by the way, you might wonder why the line-feeds show correctly when you type a text into the blogger.com editor manually, letter by letter. When you press ENTER there is a line-feed tag created in the script "behind the scenes" that you can't get automatically when pasting a text into the blogger.com editor.
Please excuse my error proned language, my skills in English is reduced by the hour as I rarely use the language these days.
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